International holidays - International Midwives Day

The birth of a child is the most beautiful moment that can happen in the life of every person, especially a womanInternational holidays - International Midwives Day Having offspring is a way not only to prolong your own family line, but also an opportunity to feel your importance on earth One of the key roles in the implementation of the procedure for the immediate birth of a baby is played by the midwife Representatives of this profession celebrate their professional date annually on May 5 - International Day of the Midwife The idea of ​​establishing this holiday was first put forward by the World Organization of Midwives This event took place in 1987 at a convention in the Netherlands However, the holiday received official status only 5 years later Currently, it is celebrated in more than 50 countries, in particular in our country The key objective of the event is to inform society about the importance of the midwifery profession The importance of this specialty is very difficult to overestimate, since the health and life of a woman and her baby often depends on the medical worker, on his practical experience and professional skills The midwife helps the patient become a mother, accompanies her from the minutes of admission to the maternity ward until the final discharge She takes care of paperwork, stays with the expectant mother before, after and during the birth of a child, provides medical support and moral assistance In addition to professional skills, representatives of such a profession must have certain personal qualities First of all, it is responsibility, responsiveness and compassion The history of the emergence of this specialty dates back to ancient times, as clearly evidenced by all kinds of documents and sacred notes of different peoples These include Jews and Egyptians At first, special ladies were involved in providing medical care to women during the birth of children According to mythological sources of all kinds of cultures, the highest patrons of pregnant women were not gods, but goddesses Much later, around the middle of the 4th century BC Men also began to engage in this business As part of the events organized on the holiday in all countries, midwives organize street processions, set up tents in crowded places, where they conduct professional consultations, providing passers-by with useful information about their specialty In addition, on May 5, meetings, congresses and seminars are organized where midwives share personal experiences and report on achievements in their field Individual employees or entire teams are awarded certificates and bonuses In countries with well-developed obstetrics, funds are being raised to help foreign colleagues (for example, money is spent on purchasing bicycles for health workers working in remote regions) Many midwives simply gather with colleagues for pleasant socializing in an informal setting

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