Many people are familiar with a psychological state characterized by uncontrollable behavior and actions that are not amenable to sober analysis During panic attacks, a person experiences fear, horror, a feeling of hopelessness and does not understand what is happening The body reacts to this mental state with tachycardia, tremors of the limbs, shortness of breath, dizziness and sweating The holiday celebrated on June 18 is designed to learn to control your emotions and resist stress International Panic Day falls on this date every year
Before the holiday was given worldwide status, International Panic Day was celebrated in the United States on March 9 On this day, according to tradition, it is customary to succumb to irrational fear, panic and unrest, refusing to suppress emotions and allowing oneself to let off steam Thanks to the Internet, people learned about the American holiday in other countries of the world, whose residents began to celebrate it on June 18 Panic Day appeared in the calendar of solemn dates in Russia in 2017
The word "panic" comes from the ancient Greek πανικός and the name of the god of fertility, cattle breeding and shepherding In mythology, Pan had a terrifying appearance, therefore, unexpectedly appearing in front of people, he caused wild horror in them The state of panic and difficulty breathing because of it was studied by Plato and Hippocrates, the Englishman Robert Burton pointed out in his works of the 17th century on the connection between irrational anxiety and depression Modern doctors are familiar with both the causes and mechanisms of fear attacks, as well as ways to overcome them
The program of festive events includes lectures and trainings where experts teach not to panic On June 18, everyone can learn more about irrational fears and ways to combat them Anxious thoughts that do not go away for a minute not only worsen the quality of life, but also lead to panic attacks, mental disorders, strokes and heart attacks More than 2/3 of people who suffer from attacks of inexplicable fear try to cope with the disease on their own, which is a mistake
Experts provide assistance in the fight against panic attacks But they are not always near the person who is having an attack Seminars and lectures held on June 18 are necessary for ordinary people to gain the skills and abilities to help the 10% of the world's population who suffer from anxiety disorders due to stress, chronic fatigue and mental trauma The causes of panic attacks are also considered to be a genetic predisposition, poor mental health, a tendency to hypochondria, disruption of the endocrine system (for example, hypothyroidism) and alcohol abuse
In addition to attending educational events, International Panic Day encourages you to relax, simulate a situation with an anxious state and throw out your emotions The holiday helps people understand how harmful and destructive panic moods are, and how important it is to remain calm in order to find a way out of a seemingly deadlock situation Anyone who decides to celebrate International Panic Day can try to understand themselves more deeply, become more confident and open to the world around them