Society at the end of the 19th century approved the participation of representatives of the fair sex in figure skating and gymnastics competitions Traditionally men's sports for women have long been banned The first women's hockey match took place in 1892 in Ontario Women entered the football field to participate in the game only in 1971, and a few years later - on stage in bodybuilding competitions Women first demonstrated their strength in the World Powerlifting Championships in 1980
The Amateur Boxing Association in Sweden allowed fräken and frü to participate in competitions in 1988; in Great Britain, the first official entry into the ring took place in 1997 The struggle for equality of both sexes should concern all social phenomena The founders of the International Women's Sports Day, which is celebrated on January 24, are convinced of this
The initiators of the celebration of International Women's Sports Day are the French Supreme Audiovisual Council, the Femix' Sports Association and the National Olympic Committee Members of these organizations expressed concern in 2014 about the lack of media coverage of women's sports outside of tennis Over time, the French initiative was picked up by residents of other countries Therefore, every year on January 24, newspapers, magazines and Internet portals publish materials on women’s sports on their pages
A 1989 study showed that only 5% of news coverage was devoted to this topic in the media 92% of articles by journalists were written about men's competitions Women's competitions began to gain popularity after the brilliant results achieved by athletes at the Olympic Games Therefore, in 1999, women's sports coverage accounted for 87% of newspaper pages and magazine articles
Netball, a team competition played with a ball on a court, is a form of basketball This sport, which appeared in 1893 in England, is, unlike others, exclusively for women Football, boxing, hockey and other competitions are popular mainly among men, which causes insufficient coverage of competitions among representatives of the fairer sex Their female version is generally not interesting to sports fans, therefore, it receives little attention in the media
The gender agenda and feminism began to be actively popularized in society in the mid-twentieth century However, it took quite a long time for women to achieve equal rights with men in sports This happened at the 2012 Olympics held in London At these Games, women competed against each other individually or in teams in all IOC-recognized sports Among them, the most popular are athletics and tennis, synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating - a harmonious combination of excellent physical fitness with an aesthetic component
In 1994, the International Working Group on Women and Sport held its first World Conference in the UK The result of the meeting between professionals and amateurs was the Brighton Declaration Following her in 1998-2002 Similar documents were adopted in Montreal and Helsinki, the Windfuk Call to Action The declarations call for supporting women's full participation in all types of physical activity and sport An important component of this movement for gender equality, part of which is media coverage of competitions, is International Women's Sports Day