International holidays - Metallurgist Daycongratulate →

Metallurgist Day is a professional holiday celebrated annually since 1958 every third Sunday in JulyInternational holidays - Metallurgist Daycongratulate → Established on September 28, 1957 by the Presidium of the USSR, it retained its status after the collapse into separate states The significance of the holiday for some countries that have become independent has remained unchanged Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus confirmed its official status, and the holiday was able to be considered international, and not just Russian The prerequisite for the emergence of a special date was the development of the industry in the post-war period The USSR occupied a leading position in the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals Now in Russia alone, metallurgy can count hundreds of thousands of people of different professions associated with such an important field of activity and making their invaluable contribution This is a colossal field of science, especially in demand these days by modern society: in the last decade alone, global consumption has almost doubled Now they can obtain all the metal elements of the famous periodic table and even a little more, for example intermetallic compounds - chemical compounds of several metals But if progress in this industry is now measured by years of development and research, then previously the count went on for hundreds of years, expanding the range of specializations extremely slowly It has been precisely established that our ancestors knew how to extract and process an important natural element, copper, already in the 7th-6th millennium BC e Based on archaeological finds, such as copper axes and meteorite iron daggers, experts made certain conclusions It took millennia for humanity to enter a special era of development - the Bronze Age, learning to combine copper and tin, ending the Stone Age The next stage was the Iron Age, which continued into our era until the year 300 It is not for nothing that this division of the continuous development of man, which was started by ancient Roman philosophers, is named after metals, once again confirming the significance and influence of these elements Traces of development can be found in many civilizations For example, only the Philistines, an ancient nation of the territory of Israel, who learned the secret of making iron, gained special power among their neighbors, possessing innovative technologies for their time Over a historical period of hundreds of years, people became acquainted with only 7 elements, learning to obtain gold, silver, zinc, and only at the beginning of the 18th century discovering arsenic Alchemists of antiquity gradually became naturalists and scientists, perfecting the art of extracting many metals from ores In Russia there were many people who devoted their lives to the study of metals, methods of their production and transformation Now the industry remains among the leading producers of such elements: nickel, aluminum, tin, titanium, and the government has developed an up-to-date development strategy “Honored Metallurgist” is an honorary title awarded annually on Metallurgist Day, although the usual rewards from management are also pleasant for specialists involved in production Football, hockey and other sports clubs have the name "Metallurg" Enterprises are trying to coincide with Metallurgist Day by launching new equipment and other relevant processes and improvements They conduct presentations of books and photographs reflecting the history of production development The industry, and the associated mining and processing industries, are not developed in every region But where there are many relevant enterprises or entire giants, mainly in the Urals and Siberia, the celebration takes on significant proportions, as in Norilsk, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Cherepovets Performances by famous artists at the largest venues and stadiums end with evening fireworks and laser shows Flash mobs and mass celebrations are organized Metallurgical enterprises, which are quite successful financially, provide sponsorship to various initiatives in their regions that are educational and interesting to all residents For example, in Bratsk the plant reconstructed a park and organized a creative competition - a festival of concrete sculptures This is how a professional holiday acquires the features of a national holiday, and this is right, because metallurgy is an outstanding industry, a special pride of Russia

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