International holidays - Pink Panther Day

May 18 is Pink Panther Day - an international holiday of creative, passionate and creative peopleInternational holidays - Pink Panther Day This is a fundamentally new holiday on the “map” of festive events in the world It was established by a special body - the real “Kingdom of Love”, where unions of musicians, artists, poets, jewelers, confectioners, culinary specialists and other representatives of bohemia rule the roost Everyone who makes the world brighter and more beautiful, in whom the passions of transformation, the spirit of rebellion, love and creative energy boil Pink Panther Day is a young holiday that first took place in 2015 The format of the holiday is as original as the celebration itself The holiday was celebrated for two weeks - “pink parties” took place Guests could enjoy delicious pink sweets, visit a pink exhibition of paintings, and get acquainted with handmade works, embroidered homespun textiles and trendy accessories Unusual creative surprises awaited guests of the holiday The holiday got its name thanks to the famous animated character – the Pink Panther The main character has a philosophical attitude towards life's troubles and everyday disasters, solves problems in an unconventional way, looks at things with humor and extraordinary positivity Pink's unique feature is his unconventional approach to life and the practical implementation of the most fantastic ideas, in particular, the magical coloring of the world in a single pink color Participants of the most creative day on the planet, who, thanks to the power of creative thought, are able to change the world, should have the same qualities The first episode of the landmark animated series was released in 1964 Blake Edwards' directorial work received an Academy Award The symbolic attribute of the holiday is a beautiful pink diamond The “value” of a stone can be represented by any person, a part of nature, a piece of space, or a participant in a holiday In general, everyone who can change the world for the better The key slogan of the “tender day” itself is “think creatively!”, “paint the world with bright colors!” The spiritual message is that creative thinking transforms life in a new bright way In order to change the world around you, you need to change your own thinking Especially for the holiday, the best confectioners bake space-design cookies in the form of a binary code of ones and zeros The tasty delicacy is served on elegant plates with pink edging Even bikers make adjustments to their look on this day - they put on rose-colored glasses The largest community of Pink Panther Day adherents is located in the Facebook group of the same name It united thousands of creative people from different countries On this day, the initiative group holds themed parties, expositions, charity events and creative competitions The fabulous “Kingdom of Love” implements many volunteer projects on May 18 - helping orphans, disabled children, young talents Shelters for homeless animals host events designed to help four-legged brothers find kind and sensitive owners This is the most fun charity holiday of good deeds for nature and tailed pets

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