May 1 - Spring and Labor Day Enshrined in official status in 1992, this holiday has a long history and extensive geography
Its beginning dates back to 1886, when Chicago workers took to the city square demanding social guarantees and an 8-hour standard working day The rally ended in a clash with the police and bloodshed: 6 demonstrators were killed A few days later there was a response to the actions of the authorities - a bomb was detonated, killing 8 policemen 4 people accused of organizing the terrorist attack were sentenced to death In memory of this date, the Paris Congress of the Socialist International proclaimed May 1 as International Workers' Day
In 1890, it was already celebrated by trade unions in Russia, and by the end of the century another 142 European states had joined May Day became a symbol of the class struggle of workers for their rights
After the October Revolution, the country, which had taken a course toward militant atheism and the fight against “obscurantism and prejudice,” needed new holidays to replace church ones May Day, henceforth called International Day, fit perfectly into this concept Plus, it coincided with the spring Easter holidays
In 1918, for the first time on this occasion, a military parade of the Red Army was held in Moscow This tradition was maintained for half a century until 1968 It was later joined by parades of athletes and the air force In 1928, another day off was added to the holiday - May 2 For a country with a 6-day working week, this was a real gift
During the times of “developed socialism,” the ideological component of May Day took on a different direction At mass marches, columns of demonstrators expressed solidarity with the “class struggle of the proletariat against the imperialists” under the slogans “our goal is communism” and “no war!” In 1970, the First of May was returned to its original historical name - International Workers' Day
In 1990, processions under May Day flags took place across the country for the last time People demanded freedom, change and a way out of the economic impasse In December 1991, the USSR sank into oblivion
Today, May 1, in the Russian Federation is the state Spring and Labor Day
Traditionally, on these days, Russians open the summer season, and political parties and trade unions hold various events and public actions