Walking has many benefits, and walking outside is much more fun than walking on a treadmill Walking outside also provides vitamin D, which 75 percent of adults are deficient in Walking can improve your mood because chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine are released during and after walking Walking can reduce depression, and it is more effective if you walk outside Walking can also benefit the brain by helping the growth of new brain cells, which can help fight memory loss and dementia Walking is good for your heart: it can lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of heart attack It can also reduce your chances of getting lung cancer, help you burn fat, strengthen your bones, and keep your skin healthy by helping your body produce more collagen
In the last few years, marching people with ski poles have often been seen on city streets Their enthusiasm is not affected in any way by weather conditions or time of year Interest in Nordic or Finnish walking has increased significantly recently, and therefore it is understandable why people who care about their health are interested in this sport
Although it is difficult to call Nordic walking a sport Are there any competitions for walking with ski poles? And people get carried away by this activity and say that they become younger, healthier, cure the blues, high blood pressure and other diseases Is this really true or is it just propaganda?
So, Nordic walking is easy if you are not afraid of causing surprised or even mocking glances from passers-by Just imagine, it’s summer, it’s hot outside, and you’re walking along the sidewalk with ski poles No, the prospect is not pleasant, and therefore Finnish walking is a collective activity When you go with a group you are no longer ashamed, but on the contrary, you feel like you are part of something original and correct In response to the amazement of passersby, you can simply smile mysteriously, let them wonder what you are doing
On the other hand, it would be better to practice Nordic walking in a park or a country road than on a polluted avenue or a broken sidewalk For walking you will have to buy two ski poles with slate spikes (good for winter and ice), and for summer you will need special tips Clothing should be comfortable, breathable, mainly made from natural fabrics, because you will probably sweat You don’t need any specific shoes, but comfortable, simple ones, for example, sneakers
When choosing a place and time for walking, think about your safety A park in the city center is great, but not when you have to walk home in the dark, listening to every rustle You can be so frightened, for example, by the same squirrel that meeting a maniac is no longer scary Do not walk alone, carry with you a means of protection against stray dogs and bad people Your well-being and life are more important than the Finnish walking marathon By the way, the poles themselves are also a good means of protection, but it’s better to walk with a group - it’s more fun and not scary
Nordic walking is easy to learn There are video lessons on the Internet In addition, in big cities you will find a trainer and you will be able to master this art even faster In the end, you can learn from those who have been walking for a long time and are ready to share their skills
Nordic walking is suitable for people of any age It is carried out by young people and pensioners, cinema stars and their fans It is believed that vigorous walking with poles stabilizes the cardiovascular system, eliminates cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, increases muscle tone, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, improves memory, helps restore health after injuries, heart attacks, etc It may seem that Finnish walking is a real panacea, but there are still many ways and means in the world to achieve the stated results It’s another matter if you like marching with sticks in your hands and you like regular walking or going to the pool less Then of course, sticks in your hands and good weather!
1 Visit a therapist and tell us about your desire to take up walking Take your medical card, do not hide your ailments from the doctor Most likely the doctor will not object, but there may be exceptions Don't risk your health
2 Prepare your equipment The clothes have already been said, all that remains is to talk about the sticks They come in different lengths depending on the height of the owner Multiply your height by 068 to get the length you need The cost of ski poles varies, but it is better to rent What if you don’t like it, what then?
3 If there is a Nordic walking club in your city and they sell memberships, don’t rush to open your wallet I repeat, what if you don’t like it? Sign up for a test walk, listen to your body, hear yourself, do you like it or are you led by laudatory stories and advertising?
Imagine that you have attended a few classes, learned to walk correctly most of the time, and are now enjoying your time with new acquaintances This means that luck has smiled on you No, it’s not difficult to learn to walk; it’s much more difficult to get into the company of like-minded people with whom it’s easy and pleasant to talk while walking It is precisely the fact that Nordic walking helps to bring people together that explains its therapeutic properties
How nice it is to go out with like-minded people in the evening, when the city is no longer buzzing and there are almost no cars in sight! Transparent air, the rustle of leaves, puddles from the recent rain and the peace that envelops all nature, puts your nerves in order, helps you solve problems, find answers, and take a break from the bustle and worries When walking becomes an automatic act, a person becomes immersed in himself and the fatigue from worries goes away, as if it never happened People suffering from depression find this very useful As they say, walking clears your mind!
To summarize, it should be noted that Nordic walking is an opportunity to improve your well-being and physical fitness, meet new people, look younger, lose weight, improve your mood and acquire a good habit You don't need to spend a lot of money or radically change your life A small adjustment in the form of a half-hour or longer walk will pay big dividends soon
Celebrate the day with a walk outside Go for a walk with family or friends, or spend some quiet time alone Take a nice leisurely stroll or a brisk walk Take a walk around the neighborhood, through a forest or park Buy special poles or adapt ski poles and take up Nordic walking Walk outdoors and play sports more often Your body and mind will thank you for it! Be healthy!