This holiday arose as a tribute to the memory of the English writer Douglas Adams in the year of his death in 2001 Saddened by the tragic event of May 11, fans of creativity proposed to celebrate “Towel Day” in two weeks, namely on May 25 And although the “Binary Freedom” forum itself, where a post was published on May 14 with a call to pay tribute to the genius of science fiction works, did not last long, the initiative was picked up in many countries around the world
An entire chapter of one of the writer’s most famous books, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” is dedicated to the towel First published in 1979, the book can be called a literary phenomenon: it has been repeatedly reprinted in millions of copies, and is included in the top of various ratings and lists of the best works The secret of success: written with a fair amount of subtle British humor and social sarcasm, it attracts not only fans of the fantasy genre, but also tries to give all readers an answer to the eternal question: what is the meaning of life?
This book has a special cult following, because even a towel, such a simple thing that every person has in everyday life, is presented here not just as a practical item, but as a psychological ability Any tourist, even an intergalactic one, who keeps his towel deserves respect
As the author himself deserves respect, he gave many interesting works, the most popular of which became the basis for computer games and films All fans of creativity on this special day are encouraged to carry a towel with them at all times, so as to be sure to attract the attention of those who are not in the “topic” By telling the uninitiated about this holiday, they are given a chance to learn about amazing worlds and characters, having met whom, rarely anyone remains indifferent
Social networks, forums, just conversations with friends on the topic of towels and literature - all this helps to increase the popularity and fame of the author’s work In many countries, on this day, screenings of the most successful film adaptations, quests and competitions are held The legendary inscription “Don't panic”, understood by fans all over the world, on the towel is the maximum respect that fans of creativity can show After reading the book, it may become your favorite too