Profanity is bad manners for a cultured person, but almost everyone at least once in their life has used a strong word in their speech, which can sometimes express the whole gamut of feelings raging inside It’s one thing to accidentally express yourself in unprintable terms in your hearts, and quite another to use them constantly, generously mixing them with ordinary speech According to statistics, more than half of Russians consider the use of swear words unacceptable Profanity includes not only vulgar obscenities, but also jargon, vernacular, slang words and surzhik
Russian swearing has long been the talk of the town There is even a dictionary of Russian profanity - a rather weighty tome that contains all the swear words and their designations Contrary to popular belief, our language is by no means the richest in swearing We use only four morphemes, from which many unprintable words are formed The Russian language was not even included in the top three, which are replete with profanity, and in the overall ranking it modestly ranks only in fourth place Scandinavian languages hold the palm February 3 is World Anti-Profanity Day
Psychologists say that a strong word most often helps a person get rid of stress This actually has its own logic, because accumulated negativity tends to spill out, and the moment of such a surge is usually accompanied by some kind of action Some begin to frantically kick chairs, others smash plates, and still others curse into the void and then feel great relief In Russia, there is a paradox associated with obscene language Most people have a negative attitude towards it, but almost everyone continues to use it in speech The reason for such a prejudiced attitude should be sought not in the basics of etiquette, but in religious beliefs
Even in Rus', swearing was considered a sign of demonic possession Some swear words were identified with curses It was believed that the person who uttered them involuntarily called upon evil forces The most interesting thing is that during pagan times, black words were often used during rituals and they were an important element of Russian folklore, but after the advent of Christianity, such vocabulary gradually began to be taboo Foul language was banned not only in wealthy homes, but also in simple villages Today, using swear words in public places also results in a fine of up to 1,000 rubles, but this does not help in the fight for purity of speech Many defenders of obscenities consider profanity to be a national characteristic of Russians, although there are many other ways to demonstrate the famous “breadth of the Russian soul”
The fight against profanity is being waged with varying degrees of success all over the world Committees are convened, activists are recruited, and possible solutions to the problem are explored Eradicating abusive language is a difficult task Unfortunately, unprintable words are increasingly heard in popular videos and appear in various articles, where they should bashfully hide under asterisks and be covered by characteristic sound signals In reality, this is not happening, censorship has made a hole and is letting this kind of thing through to the masses The younger generation enthusiastically picks up swearing and the use of profanity becomes fashionable In fact, the use of obscenities speaks of the poor vocabulary of a person who does not have enough phrases in his memory to express his own emotions, which is why people take the shortest route, expressing themselves in short swear words
Buddhists believe that a person expends a huge amount of energy in the process of pronouncing words Many Christian preachers believed that there was a direct connection between spiritual life and purity of speech Modern scientists who have studied water, of which 60% of a person consists, have proven that words have a significant impact on its structure By using unprintable expressions, a person only poisons his own life, so on February 3, World Anti-Profanity Day, you should once again think about why not try to do without swearing? Perhaps pure speech has a much greater impact on a person’s life than it seems at first glance