Since 2014, World Brain Day has been celebrated annually on July 22 Events held on this date are aimed at drawing attention to the health of one of the most important organs of the human central nervous system World Brain Day was established on the initiative of the British World Federation of Neurologists, which includes more than 120 medical associations from around the world
Incredible, but true: The brain interprets seasickness as a result of poisoning the body This is why nausea and vomiting occur when motion sickness occurs
The Federation of Neurologists develops an annual agenda related to brain health, which determines the themes of the events held on July 22 Thus, in 2015, special attention was paid to the prevention and treatment of epilepsy, in 2019 - migraine, a chronic disease that is accompanied by severe headaches During World Brain Day, forums, meetings and conferences are held in many countries for both specialists in the field of neurology and people without medical education Educational activities are carried out with the help of posters, booklets and other means of visual propaganda of the population
Incredible, but true: During the day, a person has up to 70 thousand thoughts running through his head Thinking and other types of mental stress do not tire the brain It is not the long-term solution of any problem that leads to his overload and fatigue, but an emotional reaction to the problem
A person’s cognitive abilities (memory, thinking and attention) deteriorate not only with age or in the presence of pathologies, but also due to insufficient mental load And although the brain is not a muscle that requires constant training, maintaining its tone is extremely important for sensory perception of the surrounding world, communication with other people, emotional and sensory response To do this, you must follow the recommendations of neurologists
1 Regular mental stress Thanks to it, new neurons are formed that help coordinate the brain’s work of all vital functions
2 Playing sports The rush of blood to both hemispheres contributes to its saturation with oxygen and glucose and the formation of new vessels
3 Organization of drinking regime, because The brain is 73% water
4 Proper nutrition The intake of beneficial substances contained in food (vitamins, minerals, omega-3 and 6 fatty acids) into the body can delay the onset of dementia in old age
5 Quitting tobacco and alcohol Smoking leads to oxygen starvation of the brain and deterioration of its cognitive functions The consequence of drinking alcoholic beverages is the death of neurons and a decrease in the density of gray matter
6 Minimum stress An overabundance of strong emotional reactions leads to pressure changes, scars and blockage of blood vessels in the head
7 Night rest The deep sleep phase allows our “computer” to fully recover and reboot
8 Active social life Constant communication with people trains the brain and helps avoid depression and stress
9 Prevention of obesity, diabetes and hypertension, which negatively affect cognitive function, leading to Alzheimer's disease and dementia
Incredible but true: A person’s love can be seen on an MRI of the brain In this state, its areas responsible for the production of dopamine, the pleasure hormone, are activated
The brain does not stop working, even when a person is sleeping, fainting or in a coma The viability of all body systems depends on the condition of thousands of nerve cells in the organ That is why World Brain Day is celebrated on July 22 every year