International holidays - World Cardiologist Day

July 6 is celebrated as World Cardiologist DayInternational holidays - World Cardiologist Day This is an annual holiday dedicated to doctors treating diseases of the cardiovascular system Various events are timed to coincide with the next date: scientific and practical conferences, forums, speeches by leading experts Experts from the World Health Association chose July 6 as a holiday date The first time Cardiologist's Day was celebrated at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries Thematic collections dedicated to the holiday help people obtain reliable information about cardiovascular diseases Cardiovascular diseases are the most common diseases in the world According to statistics, the proportion of deaths due to heart problems exceeds the percentage of deaths from other diseases Cardiologists save lives every day, every minute In addition to specialized therapy, specialists carry out regular prevention, as well as treatment of associated complications According to statistics, every 3 adults suffer from high blood pressure This problem is typical for residents not only of Russia, but also of all countries of the world Hypertension is considered a chronic disease Treatment requires constant monitoring and medication Neglecting therapy and doctor’s recommendations leads to complications Heart failure progresses, a stroke or heart attack may occur With elevated blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, impotence, retinal detachment, and other diseases develop What leads to rapid destruction of blood vessels and the occurrence of heart defects? The main risk factors are poor nutrition, negative emotional background, and a sedentary lifestyle In addition, bad habits contribute to the development of diseases It is better not to smoke, do not abuse alcohol, other tonics and relaxants Chronic diseases complicate the patient's condition, for example, diabetes mellitus, renal failure Prevention of cardiovascular diseases includes• proper nutrition;• regular physical activity;• protection from stress factors Plant fibers should predominate in food An ideal daily diet consists of 5-8 servings of vegetables and fruits To prevent arterial hypertension, it is necessary to limit the intake of table salt It is very important to regularly consume seafood and wholemeal bread It is better to avoid foods containing palm oil and easily digestible carbohydrates Physical activity is essential to stay healthy The required minimum is 15-20 minutes of walking per day This time can be divided into several intervals The optimal duration of health walking is 30 minutes – 2 hours and depends on the person’s age If possible, go swimming and play active sports It is very important to monitor your exercise and prevent your heart rate from increasing To protect yourself from stress, you need to be able to switch between states of anxiety, worry and a positive attitude For training, meditation, breathing, and massage techniques are used It is very important to alternate periods of intense activity and rest Hypertensive patients and patients with other heart problems need a full 6-8 hour sleep Of course, it is necessary to completely abandon all bad habits Use these recommendations to stay healthy and prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases Let Cardiologist Day be the starting point for a long, fulfilling and happy life!

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