Absolute knowledge, supreme happiness, deep feeling, affection and chemistry - it has many names Love gives a feeling of spiritual closeness with another person, binds hearts and intertwines souls, but there are always those who prefer not to become its slave Free love is what a relationship without obligations is called There is no room for jealousy, selfishness and quarrels Not everyone accepts this type of relationship, but they still have many supporters February 3 is celebrated as World Free Love Day
Conservatives and hostages of tradition will never accept this holiday Proponents of free love are convinced that moral values that limit the freedom of a partner in a couple are a relic of the past The future lies precisely in such progressive relationships, in which no one is shackled hand and foot, and adultery is the norm of family life The idea of polygamous love is not new From time immemorial, there has been a special form of relationship called polygamy One man tied the knot with several partners of the opposite sex
When a man did this, a special term was used to refer to this form of marriage: polygyny In the second case, a woman could enter into relationships with several men This relationship was called polyandry The first option was more common in patriarchal, and the second - in matriarchal societies At different times, there were certain traditions of marriage They were usually formed under the pressure of religious doctrines Although monogamy has won in most countries, there are still countries where marriage with multiple partners is legal Also, certain groups of married couples practice swinging - a special form of relationship in which participants exchange partners
Free love supporters are a protest movement They refuse to build their relationships in accordance with established norms and traditions Hippies became one of the key popularizers of the idea of free love, which formed the basis of the concept of their movement They were opponents of Puritan traditions It is believed that the “flower children” subculture originated in the United States In 1967, they declared themselves publicly That summer, thousands of hippies gathered in one of the areas of San Francisco, where “flower children” could indulge in that same free love and not worry about anything, since all visitors to Golden Gate Park had access to free food, drugs and medical care
The peak of popularity of this movement occurred in the 60-70s, after which it began to decline Today, hippies are just one of many subcultures The movement has ceased to be massive Free love is also practiced in many sects that deliberately cut off ties with the outside world and live according to their own laws In a civilized society, this form of relationship is still viewed negatively
Today it is difficult to find the person who came up with the idea of establishing a holiday dedicated to free love One thing is for sure - supporters of such relations managed to attract attention This day became a reminder of their small triumph At the moment, in almost every country you can find groups of like-minded people who practice free love, but the vast majority views them with censure The old foundations and traditions are still alive and in the near future they are unlikely to be displaced, giving way to new ones
The best way to celebrate Free Love Day is with like-minded people, but medical experts warn to always be careful about the long list of dangerous sexually transmitted diseases By the way, many hotels are preparing for this holiday They organize promotions and open their doors to supporters of relationships without obligations, so finding a cozy place to celebrate the day in a big way is not difficult