International holidays - World Digestive Health Day

Healthy Digestion Day, celebrated worldwide on May 29, is held annuallyInternational holidays - World Digestive Health Day The founder of this day was the World Organization of Gastroenterologists The organization was created in 1935, and on May 29, 1958, at the first congress of gastroenterologists, held in Washington, the charter and main provisions of the organization’s activities were adopted, which included more than a hundred gastroenterological associations It was decided to call this day World Healthy Digestion Day Digestive problems affect every inhabitant of the planet Improper digestion and the development of gastroenterological diseases may be caused by poor quality food or an unhealthy diet Every year, associations of gastroenterologists devote themselves to a specific problem of a widespread nature, paying attention to ways to combat this problem, a system of preventive and therapeutic measures Having established World Healthy Digestion Day, the organization of gastroenterologists first of all sets as its main goal to resolve nutritional issues and help choose the right diet, taking into account a person’s personal characteristics The goal of the organization of gastroenterologists is not only to select the correct diet and nutritional recommendations, but also to make a forecast of chemical and allergic reactions between foods consumed by a person (which is important for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract) If several foods consumed at one meal, acting on each other, give a negative chemical or allergic reaction, this can lead not only to gastroenterological diseases, but also to a wide range of diseases affecting processes in the blood, skin, and brain activity According to statistics, digestive disorders rank second among other diseases among the population of our planet On May 29, various events dedicated to a healthy lifestyle and nutrition are held all over the world, which talk about the calorie content of foods, the energy consumption of the body, and the culture of proper nutrition The emphasis is on selecting a balanced diet, through which a person does not feel heaviness or other unpleasant symptoms A proper diet is critical to human health The activities are carried out by both public and private healthcare institutions Doctors conduct open seminars, introductory lectures and consultations In Russia, annually on May 29, a number of open educational events are also held, designed for a wide range of listeners

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