International holidays - World Homeopathy Day

Similia similibus curantur is translated from Latin as “Heal like with likeInternational holidays - World Homeopathy Day” This principle of treating illnesses began to be used in the 5th century BC during the healing period of Hippocrates The method received scientific substantiation at the beginning of the 19th century thanks to the German Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann The doctor used the principle of the ancient Greek healer to successfully treat his contemporaries - Goethe, Paganini and Beethoven Hahnemann treated patients with microdoses of substances that, in large quantities, caused the disease itself April 10 is a holiday established in honor of a different approach to patient therapy from traditional medicine - World Homeopathy Day An ancient technique is used in the 21st century more than half of the Indian population, 1/3 of the French and 45% of the Germans The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation officially allowed the use of homeopathic remedies in 1995 Like cybernetics and genetics, alternative medicine and its supporters were persecuted in the USSR However, adherents of the method still conducted research and treated patients using homeopathy Therefore, by the time alternative medicine was legalized, its adherents had their own observations and existing developments Conventional medicine fights the signs of the disease by suppressing the symptoms of pathologies For fever, medications are prescribed for fever, for migraines, headache suppressants, and for colds, medications that relieve symptoms Modern medicine is based on the assertion that illness and health are opposites This means that you can get rid of an illness only by doing something that resists it Homeopathy, on the other hand, views external symptoms as the body’s attempts to cope with the disease To do this, he needs a drug that causes a strong immune response - small doses of a substance that provokes illness Hahnemann, who had been interested in chemistry and mineralogy since his institute days, was actively involved in laboratory research The first drug that he began to use as a homeopathic remedy was cinchona bark, used to treat malaria Its consumption by a healthy person caused chills, thirst and a throbbing headache All these symptoms were characteristic of malaria Hahnemann prepared and distributed tiny portions of cinchona bark to patients Droplets of the solution and microscopic balls defeated not only fever, but also cholera, confirming the scientist’s correctness World Homeopathy Day is celebrated on April 10th because dedicated to the birthday of Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann Thanks to a German researcher, homeopathy, despite the opposition of traditional medicine, gradually conquered the whole world Herbs, animal products and minerals are used to produce medicines containing microdoses of disease-causing substances To create balls and mixtures, pathological secretions from human tissues affected by the disease are also used - psoriasis plaques, syphilis ulcers, tuberculosis tubercles, etc Homeopathy is based on two principles - similarity and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient The drugs give the body a signal that starts the recovery program Millions of patients cured using this technique confirm its effectiveness Therefore, April 10 is celebrated as World Homeopathy Day

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