International holidays - World Kiss Day (World Kiss Day, Kissing Day)

A kiss is an act of recognition of sympathy, trust and loveInternational holidays - World Kiss Day (World Kiss Day, Kissing Day) This wonderful touch with the lips can stir up many shades of feelings, because it affects not only the physical side of satisfaction, but also the psychological and emotional Kisses can be different, expressing honor or respect, affection, lust or deeper feelings, friendly kisses or family, intimate, airy and even virtual! They play an important role in a person’s life, from birth to departure to the world of their ancestors Therefore, to indicate the importance and vital necessity of this sensual touch, a day was set aside, which, along with many serious, global, historical dates, received international recognition The date of the first celebration of Kiss Day is considered to be July 6th And the first who paid attention and began to celebrate this event were the British, a people who adhere to traditions and are distinguished by their stiffness This happened already at the end of the 19th century, and after one century, through the efforts of the UN, the holiday was awarded official status and received its name - World Kissing Day How is such an unusual day celebrated? It's very simple - events that take place around the world touch on the topic of kisses and their importance for humanity Numerous competitions are held that allow you to identify the most unusual, long-lasting, extreme, massive or significant kisses Individual achievements in the “kissing” field are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records It is also impossible to do without flash mobs, which are designed to emphasize the peculiarity and beneficial influence of all types of kisses Often events, concerts, and exhibitions are organized dedicated to the theme of this extraordinary day The results of research aimed at studying the mechanisms and processes occurring during kissing, as well as their direct impact on all spheres of human life, are also announced This was achieved thanks to the introduction of a new discipline that devotes all its attention to the study of kisses and their meaning This unusual science is called phylematology and it has existed since 2006, when it was officially recognized at the Congress of the American Association for the Advancement of Science It is difficult to overestimate all the spheres of influence of a kiss on a person Each kiss is unique in its own way, as it carries information at the level of emotions, feelings, and subconscious And each person identifies the message received in his own way The only thing that all kisses have in common is that humanity and each of its individuals separately needs a daily dose of kisses and the desire to express their feelings through this extraordinary action

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