The ability to reason logically and solve complex problems is called logike - the science of correct thinking Puzzles, riddles, chess, checkers, and crosswords contribute to its development It is believed that logic has phenomenal benefits - it “teaches how to learn”, because how cement holds other knowledge together The discipline exists at the intersection of sciences, but most of all it comes into contact with mathematics Since 2019, on January 14, according to the decision of the General Conference of UNESCO, World Logic Day is celebrated The establishment of World Logic Day is associated with two great scientists of the twentieth century - mathematicians Kurt Gödel and Alfred Tarski
Each of these two luminaries made a great contribution to the development of exact sciences and logic Austrian Kurt Week, born in 1906 and died on January 14, 1978, is the author of the theory of recursive functions, which was used in the design of early computers The scientist, known for his works on differential geometry and theoretical physics, is rightfully considered a philosopher of science American Alfred Tarski, born in Poland on January 14, 1901, is known for his contributions to the development of model and multiplicity theory, abstract algebra, topology and other sciences The date of World Logic Day was not chosen by chance - it falls on the birthday of one scientist and the death of another
The holiday is celebrated annually by residents in 35 countries around the world In 2020, more than 60 educational events were dedicated to World Logic Day The popularization of World Logic Day is due to Jean-Yves Bezo, a professor from the University of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro and president of the Academy of Philosophy The scientist works in the field of square of opposition, paraconsistent and universal logic Bezo was the first to propose including January 14 in the UNESCO Calendar of International Days
Logic in pre-revolutionary Russia was included in the list of compulsory subjects that were studied in lyceums In the USSR, school students did not take this discipline; science was taught at universities and colleges Today, logic is being returned to the list of general education subjects, because its relevance in the modern world is very great Information and communication technologies, analysis of social processes and economic modeling are based on the algorithmic reasoning of science
Celebrating World Logic Day strengthens international collaboration between scientists from different countries, promoting progress in scientific research and increasing people's understanding of the discipline Without logic and algorithms, the digital environment and computer technology cannot exist The development of thinking in the form of the ability to think, reason and draw conclusions helps a person to find patterns in various processes and solve life problems Paying tribute to ancient science, known since the times of Ancient Greece, January 14 marks another young, but very important holiday - World Logic Day