Few people know that in addition to national and historical holidays, there are a lot of unusual dates dedicated to inventions, customs and even food products On June 1st, the world celebrates World Milk Day For the first time, its celebration took place in 2001 at the initiative of the UN agricultural organization Since that time, the tradition has become popular in many countries around the world The main goal of the event is to popularize dairy products among citizens, as well as to inform the public about activities related to their production Everyone's favorite porridges, pancakes, cocktails and cottage cheese dishes - milk is the main component of many healthy and tasty recipes
The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance It turns out that in some states that supported the UN initiative, there was already a tradition of celebrating milk day In almost all countries, this event fell on June 1 or days close to this date For this reason, it was customary to celebrate the holiday on the very first day of summer Within a few years, the tradition was picked up by 40 different countries around the world, most of which celebrated the holiday in a very enchanting way For example, in Argentina, a farmers' organization conducted the largest campaign to promote the consumption of dairy products In Germany, a national celebration was organized with the support of 11 federal states In Norway, the National Dairy Products Association organized an online competition for the best story about milk, the winner of which received a large sum of money
Our country also took part in the celebration of this unusual date In 2008, the Tetra Pak trademark, together with the ALL company, organized a mass event in the Rostov region The celebration, which was attended by 500 children and their parents, took place in the central park of Rostov As part of the celebration, milk was distributed to everyone, as well as various milk-themed performances with fairy-tale characters, gaming competitions and sports competitions
Despite the international status of the date, individual states decided to celebrate it on a different day For example, in Australia it falls in September, in Finland it is celebrated on June 3, in Malaysia on June 11 And the closest “relative” of milk—condensed milk—appeared thanks to the efforts of American resident Gale Borden, who spent several years creating technology for long-term storage of a dairy product
Researchers at a US university have found that women who drink 2 glasses of milk daily are able to achieve excellent results when playing sports According to scientists, fans of the drink conduct more intense workouts, tightening their body faster and getting rid of fat
Holidays such as Milk Day are very important for modern society They allow you to understand which foods are beneficial for the body and which should be excluded from the diet And this holiday is another reason to start eating wisely and sticking to a healthy lifestyle