World NGO Day is celebrated annually on February 27th It was on this day in 1959 that the term "international non-governmental organization" was used in a UN resolution Such social groups are also called the third sector They imply associations of people who strive to help others and do not aim to make profit It is a structured part of civil society The other two sectors are government associations and commercial ones
Non-governmental organizations are formed as a result of the initiative of their founders Associations of caring people who set themselves the task of benefiting society have always existed But their rapid growth began in the second half of the twentieth century Today there are approximately 10 million different non-governmental organizations operating in the world They often implement unique projects that have no analogues in the public or private sector
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) today perform the following tasks:
• protect the interests of children and adults with disabilities; • provide assistance to the poor; • help victims of natural disasters or armed conflicts; • protect animals; • engage in the restoration of cultural monuments
NGOs use subsidies, grants and private donations in their activities Some projects are also being implemented with the involvement of budget funds, which reimburse the provision of social and public benefit services Due to foreign sources of funding, more than a third of NGOs operating in Russia today have foreign agent status In the Russian Federation, non-governmental organizations are most widely represented in sports They are also active in the following areas:
• education; • art; • culture; • patriotic education of youth; • provision of social services to the population; • charity
World NGO Day has been celebrated since 2010 Today it is known in more than 80 countries around the world On this day, thematic events of various sizes are held These are forums, lectures, seminars, exhibitions Educational work is being carried out in educational institutions The initiative aims to:
• achieving a greater understanding of the principles of work of non-governmental organizations at the international level, as well as national and local; • highlighting the activities and successes of NGOs in various fields; • providing such organizations with a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge