There are more than 100 thousand nature reserves in the world These territories, from the smallest Galichya Mountain in the Lipetsk region to the huge coral coast of Papahanaumokuakea on the Hawaiian archipelago, must be patrolled and protected Rangers are the caretakers and guardians of the planet's natural resources
Associations with the word “ranger” probably lead to the hero of Chuck Norris, who for 8 seasons in a row dispensed justice the Texas way, defeating criminals with well-trained fighting techniques But in real life, this work is fraught with risks Rangers often work in national parks in developing countries or conflict zones - from Kenya to Tanzania, from Costa Rica to Guatemala, from Thailand to Indonesia For example, game wardens in South Africa daily have to disarm gangs of knackers during the illegal hunting of animals from rhinoceros to abalone and the theft of plants such as cycads and proteas Dangers come from wild animals, bad weather in difficult terrain But the statistics are horrifying: every year about 120 rangers die, and in more than 50% of cases, poachers and bandits are to blame
To attract public attention to the work of conservation border guards, as well as to honor those who died in the line of duty, International Ranger Day was established in 2007
This holiday is the brainchild of 63 member associations of the International Federation of Rangers, the Thin Green Line Foundation and everyone who contributes to the environmental movement
World Ranger Day is celebrated annually on July 31st and everyone is welcome to join
The easiest option is to connect to online promotions launched by the Thin Green Line For example, post a selfie or photo of friends holding a poster with the message “I stand with the world’s Rangers” on social networks On Facebook and Twitter, such publications are marked with the tags #WorldRangerDay, #StandWithRangers, #NaturesProtectors The Thin Green Line website offers print-ready layouts in English, French, and Spanish
On the same resource you can donate any acceptable amount to various fund projects And the profile date is an occasion to ask for support for the brave souls who engage in battles with poachers, remove thousands of traps, take care of local biodiversity together with scientists, block fires along with firefighters, repair supports, bridges, fences, and pedestrian paths And often they become guides or help visitors with advice on where to go, what to see
In addition to collecting through fund accounts, many environmental activists organize fun runs, candy sales, and auctions, the profits from which are donated to ranger organizations in their region
The last day of July brings together caring people for memorable meetings near the memorials of the fallen rangers from the Sayano-Shushensky Nature Reserve in Russia to the Brasilia National Park in Brazil
Eco-parks and reserves host thematic lectures, conversations with guides, and film screenings on environmental protection topics All to show the incredible burden that rangers carry in protecting wildlife