Rock and roll is the embodiment of free, incendiary music that fills with crazy drive Having exploded the measured 50s with its appearance, it has long been considered a classic genre and is not inferior to other directions in terms of popularity and the strength of love of fans
World Rock and Roll Day is never officially recognized by the UN General Assembly But this does not at all prevent fans of the genre from celebrating the next anniversary on April 13 Some of them will begin to celebrate on April 12, as controversy over the day rock and roll was born has not yet subsided
All the confusion about the dates stems from the first recorded rock 'n' roll masterpiece, a chart-topper ("Rock Around the Clock") There is a version that American musician Bill Haley recorded the composition that changed the world of music late in the evening of April 12 (1954) According to other sources, this happened late at night, ie on the 13th
A year later, B Haley's musical work became the accompaniment to the shocking film "School Jungle" The picture, exposing the rebellious behavior of youth, became the pedestal from which rock and roll began its victorious march across the planet
The new music easily overcame racial prejudices: even the most famous political figures of the time could not boast of this Combining an irrepressible mixture of country and popular rhythm and blues, rock and roll melodies, full of lively energy, erased all boundaries and overcome all barriers in people's lives
And today rock and roll continues to gather like-minded people Every year on the day of its celebration, nightclubs and entertainment venues around the world hold incendiary parties in rock and roll style
Stages of many large cities become places where thematic concerts are held On them you can hear both outstanding compositions of past years and new items in the genre From the speakers you can hear famous works by Elvis Presley and Bill Haley, unforgettable compositions by the groups “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Kino”, “Brigade S”, “Alice”
The celebration is often international in nature You won’t surprise anyone with a performance on this day somewhere, for example, in California, by a musical group that flew in from Japan In the same way, for example, Krasnoyarsk can become a stage for performers from Africa or Indonesia
It is noteworthy that, despite the gathering of a huge number of admirers near the stages, there are practically no conflicts This is explained by the fact that the quintessence of rock and roll is freedom and love, which positively influence people regardless of age, nationality, or race And it doesn’t matter at all what day this holiday will be celebrated The main thing is that there is an opportunity to live for some time in the extraordinary and amazing rhythm of this music