International Day for Equality at Work is celebrated in many countries every year on January 11th The purpose of this international holiday is to combat discrimination in employment Depending on the type of activity of the organization and the characteristics of the staff, the reasons for discrimination can be religion, race, age, gender, or mental or physical disabilities
In the realities of the modern world, it is very difficult to avoid the spread of discrimination in the workplace, even in those countries where anti-discrimination laws have been adopted Deliberate intentions that result in the infringement of the rights of certain groups of people are very difficult to prove, since they are often disguised as formally acceptable
The main cause of discrimination at the employment stage is bias Most employers often rely on intentional or unconscious bias when interviewing job candidates However, in this matter you need to rely solely on the professional qualities and merits of the potential employee, as well as his level of knowledge and experience in a similar field
The fight for equality for all employees in the workplace has been active for several decades, but at the moment not all goals have been fully achieved and much remains to be done During the World Economic Forum, information was announced that it would take approximately 170 years to achieve economic equality between men and women
Despite the rather pessimistic forecast, International Day of Equality at Work can help to significantly accelerate this process This is the main purpose of approving the international holiday, which began to be celebrated on January 11, 2017
The first large-scale event dedicated to this holiday took place in England, in the Leedenhall Building In order to express their opinions on the problem of discrimination in the workplace, many famous actors and public figures came to London Also on this day in 2017, various events were held in Russia, Japan, Australia, the USA, Sri Lanka and other countries of the world