Jerusalem Day(Yom Yerushalayim)

Every year, in May-June, the Jewish people celebrate Jerusalem Day - a national holiday, which was legalized in 1998 on March 23 by the Knesset - the Israeli authoritiesJerusalem Day(Yom Yerushalayim) The celebration is dedicated to the reunification of the Jerusalem people after the 6-day war for their sacred sites - the Temple Mount and the famous Western Wall Back in 1948, Israel was officially declared an independent state The capital was designated Jerusalem, which was divided into two halves The eastern part was under constant Jordanian control The main shrine, the Western Wall, was located precisely in the east of the city When concluding a truce agreement, the Arabs allowed Jews to visit holy places and pray However, the agreement was not respected for 2 decades The Jewish people did not have free access to the temple and were constantly under fire from the Arabs Growing tensions between the two halves of the Jewish capital led to the "Six Day War" in 1967 The first to attack were the Arab soldiers, who began shelling the border located in the middle of the city During the fighting, many soldiers on both sides died The Jewish army attacked all Arab headquarters Finally, within 2,000 years, Jerusalem was reunited and declared “indivisible” The great shrine has found its owner Jerusalem today is a thriving city, open to its people and visiting tourists from all over the world The Jewish capital is developing and progressing in all areas of activity In the capital itself there is the Jewish parliament - the Knesset, the seat of government of the president of the state, all government ministries and the main rabbinate An important point in the political agreements is the agreement to prohibit discussion of the unity and sovereignty of Jerusalem Jerusalem Day is a special day for Jews, which gave the right of free access to all sacred sites not only to local residents, but to everyone On the holiday, Jerusalem welcomes guests and residents with special events dedicated to the unification of the capital Prayers and psalms are read in synagogues People are happy and laughing Fun youth events with songs and dances take place in the center of the capital Also, the central square gathers columns from all sides, celebrating with flags, which eventually march to the Western Wall This event is called "March with Flags" It is at the shrine that the main rallies are held, and after midnight a stream of government officials flocks here, who also gather for the celebration in the yeshiva In addition to processions in the city, Mount Herzl honors fallen soldiers in the war for Jerusalem Jewish Jerusalem attracts millions of tourists People come to see, feel, experience and carry through themselves all the pain and mental anguish of the Israelis, as well as enjoy the beauty of the sacred points

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