Kalachakra Festival (Duinhor-khural) among Buddhists

Buddhism is one of the first world religionsKalachakra Festival (Duinhor-khural) among Buddhists The main idea of ​​his is to direct a person on the path of self-development and self-knowledge by achieving a special state, nirvana Buddhism arose in the first millennium in what is now India According to historical sources, the founder was a real person - Siddhartha Gautama, known to us as Shakyamuni Buddha Buddhism, in its essence, not only as a tantric teaching, but also as a special philosophical system, boldly spread throughout the planet Over many centuries of existence, this religion has acquired its own culture, customs and, of course, holidays One of the important celebrations in Buddhism is Duinhor Khural, or Kalachakra, which means “wheel of time” Duinhor originates from the sermon that underlies the teachings of the Vajrayana Particular attention in this teaching is paid to the practice of mantra: complex psychological and physical exercises that bring enlightenment Duinhor Khural takes place from the 14th to the 16th day of the third lunar calendar The culmination occurs on the 15th lunar day The Khural celebration takes place in three stages: preparatory, main and final During the first period, the place is blessed and a mandala is built from sand During the main stage, beautiful prayer services - khurals - are held in the monasteries The monks, dressed in special headdresses, read excerpts from the treatise Kalachakra-laghu-tantra-raja At the same time, they use sacred symbols to signify the objects of teaching Particular importance is attached to the offering and recitation of mantras At the end of the celebrations, Zhinsreg is made - an offering, the mandala is destroyed and immersed in water It is believed that the teachings of Kalachakra Tantra provide inexhaustible benefits, bless a person for future rebirths and help self-knowledge and enlightenment The era of religions has remained in history - the future lies with scientific achievements But Buddhism, like all other religions, was, is and will be part of a huge culture, which the world is not yet able to abandon After all, knowledge of oneself and the world around us is the main goal of both science and religion

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