Kurban Bayram is one of the most significant in the Islamic religion and is known as the festival of sacrifice, if translated literally The faithful call it Eid al-Adha, which falls on the 10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah Since the calendar differs from the generally accepted one, the date of this holiday changes annually
On this day, Hajj ends - a pilgrimage to holy places that must be performed by every believer The annual feast of sacrifice expresses a spiritual appeal to God A special ritualism has been demonstrated since the evening of the previous day, when pious Muslims begin to read special prayers It is considered honorable to spend the night in worship in order to celebrate the holiday with dignity at sunrise It is permissible to perform namaz not only in the mosque, although only there there is an opportunity to hear the imam’s sermon
The culmination of the holiday is a sacrifice, which is performed according to certain canons and is especially pleasing to Allah It is mentioned in the Sunnahs of the Koran, and the one who commits such an act is shown the mercy of the Lord in the form of erasing sins
It is ideal to slaughter a camel or a ram, but once the prophet Ibrahim was faced with a choice: to sacrifice his own son or betray the faith The late only child, the young man Ismail, was almost sacrificed near Mecca, because Allah wanted it that way, appearing in the person of the messenger Gabriel in a dream By the will of the Almighty, the test was interrupted, and loyalty was rewarded with the birth of another son A similar tradition exists in the Old Testament, only instead of the Koranic prophets, Abraham and his son Isaac appear
Traditionally, replacement with an animal must be complete The best animal is chosen for the ritual offering, and you can show your good intentions on the holiday by distributing a certain portion of the food to the poor and needy Divide into 3 parts, not forgetting about guests and relatives - the traditional option prescribed by Sharia Meat cannot be left or changed: it is definitely not worth skimping on faith, although it is not forbidden to share it with people of other faiths
The celebration in Russia has its own characteristics, especially in those regions where Islam is not a priority religion, unlike, for example, Dagestan, Tatarstan, and Chechnya Some bloodiness and sacrifice are not very popular with other residents, especially in large cities The very method of slaughtering animals contradicts all adequate standards and, of course, is not welcomed by environmentalists, human rights activists, and people who do not accept cruelty
But since 2014, many Russian military personnel have a chance to have a special day off to observe all important rituals and visit the mosque In many Muslim countries and some regions of Russia it is an official holiday It can be celebrated for 3 days, making visits to family and friends, giving them gifts The traditional greeting is “Eid Mubarak”, which unites all believers on the great holiday