Stories about life situations that have become legendary, and funny tales are usually told during family gatherings and meetings in the company of friends Small funny and cheerful, and sometimes sad stories take people back to the past - carefree childhood, school and student years, the times of the emergence of heartfelt affections and first love In honor of the tradition of reminiscing, an unusual holiday was invented January 5th is Little Stories Day
The celebration falls during the New Year holidays Therefore, on January 5, it is customary to remember incidents that happened to friends and loved ones at night during the chimes or at other times In the collection of life stories, everyone has stories with a good ending, like Zhenya Lukashin from the film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!” The holiday is a good reason to share a couple of such funny incidents and cheer up yourself and those around you
Most people are careful about their family history They collect photographs of grandparents and create family trees, tracing the family tree back to the seventh generation and further back into the centuries One way to honor the memory of ancestors can be the tradition established on the Day of Little Stories The holiday encourages people to write down the stories of older family members Their unhurried narration will help piece by piece to recreate the past, without knowledge of which, as we know, a person has no future
Family stories and legends are the foundation that cements different generations of a family Often in small and large stories about the past lies the wisdom shown by people whose black and white portraits hang on the walls of the house or are carefully stored in old photo albums A meticulous and thoughtful person can always benefit from family legends, taking advantage of the experience of their ancestors on occasion That’s why it’s so important to make the celebration of Little Stories Day traditional in your family circle
Home readings have been a popular way of spending leisure time in Rus' in the families of the nobility and nobles since the time of Vladimir Monomakh Touching stories about musical evenings are present in AP’s childhood memories Chekhov and MI Tsvetaeva Reading books and telling fairy tales to children by mother FM Dostoevsky spent time in the living room, which largely influenced his development as a writer
Fairy tales and legends told in childhood by AS Pushkin’s nanny Arina Rodionovna formed the basis of his literary works, aroused the poet’s interest in Russian folklore and partially shaped him as a person Family readings played a special role in the emergence of a whole galaxy of Russian writers, artists, musicians and scientists As well as retelling fairy tales, traditions and legends to children
Little Stories Day is an excellent opportunity to look into the past not only of your family, but also of your country The holiday calls for remembering forgotten customs and reviving traditional ways of spending leisure time in Rus'