Hundreds of poems have been written about the Nativity of Christ; this great holiday is sung by poets and musicians of all times and peoples, regardless of beliefs and beliefs For all Christians, whether Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant, this is one of the most important annual holidays
Each religion has its own established traditions in celebrating Christmas The Lutheran faith also has differences First of all, this is an abundance of candles, symbolizing the starry sky at the hour of the birth of Jesus Christ Mandatory attributes are an elegant Christmas tree and a star, symbolizing the Bethlehem rising star Often it is placed on the top of the spruce tree Next, Lutherans, like Catholics, install a manger (nativity scene) in the house That is, it depicts a stable, a cave in which the Savior came into this world, and in the form of figures the holy family: Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus Figures of shepherds and wise men are also added A Christmas play is always performed, most often with a plot about the birth of Christ
In the Lutheran Church there is also the tradition of Advent, with the first day of the Nativity Fast beginning It is not as strict as in Orthodoxy, and concerns not so much gastronomic restrictions as it is “time WITHOUT” Lutheran Lent is a period of renunciation of pleasures to which the heart is attached
While waiting for Christmas, an Advent wreath is traditionally woven and candles are placed on it There are four of them, based on the number of weeks immediately preceding Christmas
December 24 – Holy evening and Holy night before Christmas Evening and night services are held in churches Parishioners usually sit in the pews, and rise and kneel only at the most significant moments of the liturgy
Music plays an important role in the life of believers Almost every church has an organ It is difficult to imagine the Lutheran Church without the names of such outstanding musicians and pious Lutherans as Sebastian Bach or Dietrich Buxtehude, as well as without congregational singing The Reformation movement attracted new adherents with its chants from the very beginning These can be chorales, many of which were written by Martin Luther himself, the initiator of the Reformation, and hymns, and ancient church chants, translated into the current language
By the way, Luther is also credited with the invention of Kriskind (Saint Nicholas among Catholics), who gives gifts to children They say that Martin really wanted to preserve the custom of giving children's Christmas gifts, but since Protestants did not recognize Catholic saints, he came up with Nikolaus Kriskind instead
And then comes December 25, the day when, according to the Gregorian calendar, thousands of Christians around the world celebrate the Nativity of Christ Lutherans congratulate each other with the words: “Christ is born!” and receive the answer: “Praise him!”
Families gather at home around the festive table with the traditional Christmas goose or turkey and special biscuits served with tea or coffee
Many even travel long distances just to maintain traditions and celebrate Christmas with their families, and on the second day of the holiday they go to visit other relatives