Pythagoras was the first among philosophers to begin to operate with the concepts of microcosm and macrocosm The ancient Greek scientist believed that man and the Universe are a single whole, their existence is subject to the same laws of existence According to Pythagoras, the world around us is spiritualized and organized like a living being Pico della Mirandola, Paracelsus, Agrippa, Cardano and Campanella viewed man as a microcosm, a small particle of the macrocosm in which his powers are manifested The point of view of the Renaissance philosophers was shared by Heinrich Heine The poet argued that with every person the universe dies, and “under every gravestone lies world history”
Scientists believe that the Big Bang of matter occurred 14-15 billion years ago As a result of this, the Universe with planets and stars arose New worlds are born every time a person is born on Earth December 20th is a funny, but deeply philosophical, day of Pocket Universes
The consciousness, hopes and aspirations of people transform the world in which they live, being co-creators of all things Neurophysiologists agree with this postulate of Buddhism The power of the human spirit and intention to influence physical reality is not fully understood According to eyewitnesses, Sathya Sai Baba was able to materialize food and objects (watches, rings with precious stones, sacred vibhuti ash, etc) from thin air The Indian guru explained this by the ability of mental concentration, which any person can develop
The phenomenon of materialization gives reason to assume that with the help of consciousness and targeted energy messages one can create planets, galaxies and entire universes An example of the implementation of such an intention is contained in the Bible “And God created two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the stars,” it is written in the Old Testament Each of us, according to Christian doctrine, is created in the image and likeness of God Therefore, there is a high probability that a person can create at least a small, almost pocket universe
Most of those who celebrate the unusual holiday on December 20 regard the ability to create a new world with humor
The author of the poem from which the excerpt is taken talks about worlds that are created in small spaces A trouser pocket, bag or backpack can hold a universe of handkerchiefs, candies, love notes, old tram tickets, 5-ruble coins and sea stones Check back on December 20th and look for these small worlds Or try creating new ones in honor of the touching Pocket Universe Day