Russian holidays - Airborne Forces Day (Airborne Forces Day) congratulate ->

Every year on August 2, our state celebrates a wonderful date - Airborne Forces Day, established by the decision of the President of Russia in 2006 as a memorial day designed to help revive domestic military customs, increase the prestige of service and established in recognition of the merits of soldiers in solving difficult problems to ensure the defense of the countryRussian holidays - Airborne Forces Day (Airborne Forces Day) congratulate -> The airborne troops, or as they are often called “blue berets,” are one of the most elite units of the Russian army Only a select few with strength, courage and bravery become members of this detachment Every year at the beginning of August, millions of citizens who once wore blue berets and served in the Airborne Forces celebrate their holiday The history of the holiday began on August 2, 1930 - at that time, exercises were taking place near Voronezh and for the first time a detachment of 12 paratroopers made a parachute jump This event helped military experts recognize the prospect of superiority of parachute squads and their unlimited capabilities to quickly reach the enemy in the air The creation of the Airborne Forces, which became the beginning of the large-scale development of this type of troops, started in 1932 By the beginning of the next year, special-purpose aviation units were organized in several military districts By the summer of 1941, the formation of 5 airborne corps, each of which included 10 thousand people, was completed Paratroopers were always on the front line in the battles of the Second World War and repeatedly showed their heroism in battles Since the winter of 1988, domestic paratroopers began to participate in battles in “hot spots” not only in our state, but also abroad One of the most severe losses in the history of the troops is the death of the sixth company of the 104th regiment of the 76th Pskov Airborne Division in the spring of 2000 On that day, the detachment was able to prevent the breakthrough of 25 thousand militants, destroying more than 700 enemies Vasily Filippovich Margelov managed to make a colossal contribution to the formation and development of the Airborne Forces This brave general became the commander of the unit at the most difficult time, when the soldiers - members of this detachment did not have suitable weapons, equipment and appropriate assistance But their goal was considered one of the most difficult The airborne forces were delivered behind enemy lines, where they started a battle and maintained the defense until the main military detachments arrived Without decent equipment and high-quality weapons, they acted as ordinary “cannon fodder” Only when Margelov came to command in the 50s of the last century did the general condition of the troops improve significantly He implemented many programs that contributed to the development of weapons, equipment and airliners Traditionally, on this holiday, commemorative and celebratory events are organized in all cities of the country, demonstration performances by paratroopers and paratroopers, displays of military equipment in service with the Airborne Forces, evenings with veterans, charitable events and mass street celebrations

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