Russian holidays - Chemical Safety Day (Day of the struggle for human rights from chemical hazards)

An annual date that arose due to the action of the same name, held on April 28, 1997 by the environmental movement - the Union for Chemical SafetyRussian holidays - Chemical Safety Day (Day of the struggle for human rights from chemical hazards) For greater convenience, the name was transformed into a laconic one: Chemical Safety Day The organization itself arose relatively recently - in 1992, with the active participation of LA Fedorov is a chemist, author of many monographs on environmental problems, and is its chairman to the present day The opportunity to work in this direction became possible only in the 1990s: in Russia, data on incidents at chemical production facilities, quite numerous emergency situations, and their consequences began to be advertised (Chapaevsk, Dzerzhinsk) One of the most tragic cases occurred on April 28, 1974 in Novocheboksarsk (Chuvashia) A fire on the territory of a chemical weapons plant that stored many aerial bombs led to the release of several tons of toxic gas Although all the workers whose efforts prevented the scale of the man-made disaster remained alive, they received severe poisoning, about 200 died untimely, and half became disabled The public organization highlighted this problem on April 28, 1997, and now every year it looks for ways to solve many others that threaten humans Today, political aspects are covered by direct participation in the formation and adoption of specific laws on chemical safety at the state level, and the general attitude of the government towards problems affecting the life of the country Employees of the organization - ecologists, specialists, activists, affected people, consider engaging the public and informing ordinary people about environmental problems as another important area of ​​their work The official day of April 28 allows you to do this in full force through numerous events and seminars Bulletins and other publications must be published for the memorable day The topics of the conferences cover areas that concern every resident of the Russian Federation, for example, harm from dioxides and toxins, chemistry in every human home and its influence Global topics are necessarily touched upon: every year the important issue of destroying remnants of old chemical weapons, no less harmful than nuclear ones, is raised And although the Constitution confirms the right to the safety of people, every resident of the country, from chemical hazards, it is easier to remain confident in this if you know about the figures cited by the environmental organization The Union has many regional representative offices, whose activists on this day collect signatures with specific proposals to improve the environment so that it becomes completely free of chemicals, fully ensuring the right to safety

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