1992, June 14 is the official birthday of the Russian Migration Service And already in 1999, the Ministry of the Federal Migration Service was reorganized During its short period of operation, the department underwent numerous reforms And in 2004, his powers and responsibilities expanded to include labor market protection In the same year, a decree was signed to consider June 14 as the Day of the Migration Service Worker
The migration service plays a responsible role in the life of the state, performing, at first glance, routine and even bureaucratic work In fact, all migration service employees are busy with serious and significant matters The specific responsibilities of the FMS are extensive This includes working with all types of visas, citizenship issues, passport problems, deportation, document registration, temporary accommodation of immigrants and much, much more The service also provides training to foreigners in Russian and assistance in finding a job For such purposes, there are special methodological centers where migration service curators work In a word, only this service resolves all issues that are even slightly related to migration and emigration
If you look into history for a minute, you can see that already in the 13th century, documents began to be issued, at that time they were called “travel certificates”, for crossing the border both to citizens of Rus' and to citizens of foreign countries A little later, books were created, they were called “scribes”, where all the data was carefully entered and subsequently all movements, especially of foreigners, were scrupulously tracked Violations of the conditions of movement in Rus' were subject to severe punishment, including expulsion from the country And at that time there were already foreigners who were forbidden to cross the borders of Mother Rus'
In 2016, all functions of the FMS were transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, by order of the president And at the moment, all migration service employees belong to the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia But this only strengthened the migration department and further expanded its range of activities