This holiday, amazing in its brightness and emotionality, can initially be classified as professional
It originated on the initiative of teachers of St Petersburg University, namely, the Department of Ethnography The initiative belonged to Professor Rudolf Its
The timing of the holiday was not chosen by chance In the summer, after the end of the academic year and mandatory exams, students from most Russian universities go on internships or on expeditions
They associate this period not only with additional workload, but also with the holiday - Ethnologist's Day It is customary to celebrate it on July 17, the birthday of the famous explorer and traveler Miklouho-Maclay
That is why, at a set table, the first toast is to this wonderful man Then they traditionally remember those who came up with the idea of celebrating and organized this holiday
If traditional holidays have their own culinary traditions, then they do not apply to this one, due to the fact that they are often celebrated outdoors or in unfamiliar unusual places: forests, villages, fields Wherever this day finds someone, that’s where they spend it
On the table only what can be found or purchased in a given area Such uncertainty gives a special meaning - to learn to enjoy where and with whom you find yourself
After the feast, role-playing games are held to initiate newcomers into real ethnographers There is no end to fantasy here
Each group prepares in advance Participants in an impromptu performance are selected Simple costumes are being prepared All this is accompanied by songs, dancing, fun and swimming: in a river, stream, lake, if the weather and terrain conditions permit
Competitions are held among local poets Students and teachers devote poetic odes to this day Candles are often lit, as if consecrating this ritual
Of course, different universities celebrate in their own way Moreover, every year more and more people join the celebration
Some celebrate outdoors on an expedition, while others get together and go to a concert or a themed master class
The main thing is that all this brings people together in a kind way Here I would like to recall the words of Miklouho-Maclay that we must value a person based on the goals that he sets for himself And in this sense, the holiday has turned into a kind of day of friendship with all peoples