Russian Holidays - Freelancer Day

May 14 is Freelancer Day in RussiaRussian Holidays - Freelancer Day This area of ​​employment includes a very wide range of professions What unites people under this name is the form of labor organization People who call themselves freelancers usually do not work in an office for hire, but organize the work front for themselves, finding orders and customers according to their desires and capabilities There are not many freelancers in Russia, but their number is growing every day, month, and year This is facilitated by the growing every day opportunities to search for work not only for hire, but also for specific tasks on the Internet Freelancing is convenient because it does not limit the search for a customer and a contractor to one territory; many types of work can be completely completed, transferred and paid for, even while located in different parts of the globe One of the first freelance exchanges on the Russian Internet once organized a meeting for its users The event took place on May 14 and since that day, people involved in this type of organization of work have celebrated their holiday on this date The founding meeting for this celebration took place in 2005 In Russia, mothers on maternity leave and students of educational institutions are mainly involved in freelancing Only a small part of people switch to freelancing as their main type of income, since this type of activity requires serious discipline Having confident professional skills in work and being quite disciplined, you can achieve great heights by working in such a market People who understand the principle and have good skills in their specialty can earn as much in this field, and sometimes even more, than by officially joining the staff of hired workers At the same time, a fairly flexible schedule is maintained, which hired employees of companies rarely can boast of The celebration in honor of this day should unite people who are accustomed to a free form of work and independent management of the bulk of their time By attending meetings called “freelancer day,” clients and performers in a variety of activities can find new people who bring value to the work process

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