Horse riding is not just a beautiful sport Riders cannot imagine their lives without the trot and gallop, the sound of hooves, the wind in their faces and the heartbeat of their four-legged friend Communication and caring for horses is medicine for many people Hippotherapy since the end of the 19th century used for the rehabilitation of children and adults with neurological diseases It is impossible not to love graceful, kind and intelligent animals On May 26, professional athletes and people who simply care about horses celebrate Equestrian Day
The holiday honors not only riders and trainers, but also their graceful friends Therefore, on May 26, open days are held at stables, sports schools and hippodromes for all horse lovers Animals are especially looked after on this day - their manes are combed, they are bathed and they are treated to their favorite delicacies
Man domesticated the horse and began riding it about 5-6 thousand years ago Horses were used both in agriculture for cultivating land and in warfare For centuries, cavalry has been considered an independent force and a mobile military weapon The cavalry of the Red Army took an active part in the Great Patriotic War The Soviet cavalry effectively carried out the tasks assigned to it, because was able to adapt to the conditions and harsh demands of battles in which armored cars and motorcycles, tanks and aircraft took part
Horses played an important role in Cossack culture For thousands of years, countless herds of wild horses lived in the vastness of the Eastern European plain Therefore, it is not surprising that the horse became the faithful companion of the freedom-loving Cossack He protected his master with his body in battle, kicked and bit the enemy's horse “A Cossack without a horse is like a warrior without a gun”, “A Cossack maintains friendship: in trouble he does not abandon his horse”, “Horses in meadows are like pearls in silks” - these sayings illustrate the reverent attitude of warriors towards their favorites Admiration and love for horses especially inherent in peoples who in ancient times were nomads
Therefore, some Central Asian countries have their own holidays dedicated to horse breeding Thus, in Turkmenistan, every last Sunday in April, Akhal-Teke Horse Day is celebrated In Kazakhstan, Horse Day is celebrated on August 31, Naadam, which includes equestrian competitions, in Mongolia - in mid-July
Horses evoke admiration and sincere love among European peoples Horses even have their own Catholic patron St Stephen's Day, which falls during the Christmas holidays, is widely celebrated in Norway, Ireland, Austria, Finland and the Netherlands As during the Russian Equestrian Day, on December 26th, horse races are held at European hippodromes, festivals and sled rides are organized
According to Orthodox traditions, Saints Frol and Laurus are considered patrons of horses Since ancient times, on August 31, in honor of the holiday, animals were not only driven into the field, but not even saddled Our ancestors brought well-fed horses decorated with ribbons to the church for blessing and sprinkling with holy water Russian culture has maintained for thousands of years a reverent and caring attitude towards horses and respect for those who care for them That is why May 26 is celebrated, although not official, but this does not make it any less solemn as Horseman’s Day