Russian Holidays - Runet Optimizer Day (Russian SEO Day)

On May 28, Russian SEO specialists celebrate Runet Optimizer DayRussian Holidays - Runet Optimizer Day (Russian SEO Day) The young holiday has not yet received official recognition, but is already loved by professionals in the powerful and popular SEO industry The date of the celebration, paradoxically, was chosen completely by chance In 2006, at the largest forum Searchengines, SEO specialists decided to make their own “holiday selection” as a derivative The majority of votes gave preference to the warm spring day of May 28th A new profession appeared in Russia in the mid-90s and arose from among IT specialists First, the first search engines appeared: the first system was Yahoo, then the giants Google and Yandex entered the network Website ranking has provoked the need for specialists who know how to increase the resource’s position and raise portals in search results SEO specialists who can deftly juggle user requests and arrange site content for them are worth their weight in gold Occupation of a top position by a site directly correlated with the profitability of the resource SEOs began to use a diverse and constantly changing set of tools to increase ratings, and SEO turned into a powerful industry with fabulous turnover The specialist’s task is to organize a mobile chain of actions and technologies to increase the site’s ranking in search results An SEO optimizer carefully studies the positions of competing sites, their techniques, collects and analyzes statistics, improves content and comes up with new ways of promotion The success and profitability of the customer’s business depends on the accuracy of the manipulations and the correctness of the SEO specialist’s strategy Violation of promotion algorithms is fraught with a decrease in traffic, loss of positions and lost profits Optimization can be fair and transparent – ​​“white”, illegal – “black”, and a mixed type – “gray” The main mission of the holiday is to increase the prestige of the SEO administrator profession and express gratitude for intellectual and creative work On this day, it is customary to hold thematic conferences, specialized seminars, business meetings, advanced training courses, and presentations Industry gurus organize open webinars, useful workshops, master classes, as well as public testing of new programs The best professional wishes on Runet Optimizer Day - “top positions in search results”, “high TCI indicators” and “off-scale PR”

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