In the twenties of the twentieth century, on the territory of the young Soviet state, metal waste was called upon to be collected under the motto “Scrap metal is additional tons of metal for the great construction projects of communism” Housewives were stimulated with a more everyday promise: “We will reforge old basins into new vases” On April 19, 1922, several departments decided on an agreement, which resulted in the formation of the Metallogtor association Nowadays, this date is celebrated by enterprises and employees involved in scrap processing as a professional holiday, although officially the Day of the Russian Scrap Processing Industry Worker is not included in the calendar of special dates
Returning to the history of the establishment of an organization that coordinated the collection, disposal, processing and sale of metal waste, it is necessary to talk about the formation of a centralized system The All-Union Association “Soyuzvtorchermet” organized under its auspices numerous “Vtormets” located throughout the country For many years, these scrap metal collection points were known to all Soviet pioneers and Komsomol members, who were obliged to hand over scrap in certain quantities
But the main source of raw materials was not pioneer or trade union standards The planned economy assumed planned disposal Outdated equipment, machine tools, vehicle bodies, building structures, cables, shavings - all this was sent to Vtormet, where it was sorted, cleaned, crushed and put back into use The system was so effective that the industry achieved high performance levels by the mid-eighties
In the 90s, it fell into decline, like many neighboring areas Therefore, the more important it is to draw attention to the industry, the more important the holiday is After all, the facilities of modern production are either located in the territories of old factories, or are equipped with battered equipment, or both In all cases, regular updating and recycling of everything that contains metal inclusions is required This is especially true for the chemical industry, whose weapons are exposed to aggressive influences of various environments (alkalies, acids) Therefore, the main production is subject to significant wear and tear and, as a result, needs to be re-equipped As a result, a large amount of metal scrap is formed
A scrap recycling specialist is a worker who understands the division of metal waste into groups and knows the technology of cleaning, processing, and further use of waste Non-ferrous and ferrous metals are divided into a large number of categories, each of which requires a different approach A professional who helps clean up the environment from scrap metal in favor of its efficient use deserves respect, is in demand and rightfully deserves an official professional holiday It helps reduce metal mining costs and reduce stress on depleted deposits