Russian Holidays - Volga Day

The Volga is the pride of the country, a storehouse of natural resources, a breadwinnerRussian Holidays - Volga Day Songs and poems are dedicated to her The beauty of this river resonates with the soul of a Russian person The holiday in question is intended to draw attention to its environmental vulnerability There really are problems The development of the Volga regions depends on their solution Near the Volga, chemical fertilizers are used on farmland, industrial complexes and cascades of hydroelectric power stations are located Hundreds of cubic meters of garbage are left behind by vacationers during the summer season, car owners wash their cars near the river - all this contributes to pollution, shallowing, flowering and a decrease in fish populations Volga Day began in 2008 It was timed to coincide with the X International Scientific and Industrial Forum “Great Rivers – 2008” in Nizhny Novgorod The idea was brought to life by the UNESCO capital office, the International Social-Ecological Union and the Russian division of the Coca-Cola concern In honor of the holiday, residents of Samara, Volgograd, Yaroslavl, Ulyanovsk and other coastal regions organize cleanup days and celebrations In the Volga regions, on May 20, there are: - concerts, - fairs of local craftsmen, - exhibitions of paintings, photographs, children's drawings, - events to clean up the river from garbage Educational activities dedicated to Volga Day include: - scientific conferences, - seminars, - thematic school lessons, - round tables, - discussions The organizers of the festival set global goals: to unite efforts aimed at preserving the Volga in its current state and to rehabilitate those sections of the river that can still be restored Mother Volga is a national treasure, its natural gifts are the most important strategic resources of Russia Thanks to caring organizations and volunteers, the value of the river is cultivated year after year - on May 20, attracting the attention of authorities and ordinary citizens

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