Children with a rich imagination often make imaginary friends with whom they have a good time, sharing secrets and playing Heroes of literary works, cartoon characters and simply imaginary creatures become a child’s secret friends In adulthood, we make real friends who are trusted with small and big secrets An unusual holiday was invented in honor of people close in spirit and blood Secret Buddy Day is celebrated annually on January 11th
Where, when and who came up with the idea to establish a funny Secret Pal Day is unknown However, despite the secret origin of the holiday, people in different parts of the world happily celebrate it The ability to keep other people's secrets is a character trait that few people have Therefore, people whom you can trust, like in confession with a priest, are literally worth their weight in gold In honor of Secret Buddy Day, they are sent cards with wishes or invited to meet to spend time together
Friends who are ready to listen to other people's secrets help relieve the burden from the soul Psychologists note that confidential conversations promote emotional stability and reduce stress levels Understanding that a friend is keeping a secret helps a person feel safe The need for protection is one of the reasons why children make imaginary friends Therefore, a secret friend, real or imagined, is important for a person at any age
The ability to keep secrets is one of the important components of friendship Dreams of buying your own house, winning the lottery, adultery, forgery of documents, deceiving parents, for which you are very ashamed, and other secrets are not trusted to just anyone A person who shares the most intimate counts on the understanding and delicacy of a comrade “He won’t leave a friend in trouble, he won’t ask too much” is a universal definition of relationships that are established between people on the basis of mutual sympathy and common interests Therefore, a real secret friend will never “pry into the soul” and pry out information, wanting to know more than he was told
A friend who has been entrusted with a secret will not give advice on how to deal with the current situation unless he has been asked to do so A true comrade does not judge or evoke feelings of guilt, does not flaunt the fact that he has secret information, and certainly will not blackmail The ability to keep secrets is a great temptation and a test of a person’s reliability With such a comrade it is not scary to go on reconnaissance, since you can trust him with yourself and your own life Secret Buddy Day, which is celebrated on January 11, encourages people to pay tribute to one of the most valuable qualities of a person