Jumping rope is one of the favorite pastimes of childhood Fitness trainers do not advise giving up this type of physical activity in adulthood Skipping exercises (from the English skip - “jump”) helps strengthen all the muscles of the body, including the heart Jumping rope is not only a good alternative to cardio equipment, but also a mandatory warm-up element for boxers, as well as a separate sport An unusual holiday was established in his honor - Skipping Day, which is celebrated on December 19
It is no coincidence that fitness instructors and coaches included jumping rope in their sports training program All boxers, from Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield to Alexander Usik and Kostya Dzyu, know that skipping promotes:• development of endurance and coordination of movements, the ability to transfer body weight from one leg to another;• increases striking force and power athlete;• strengthens ligaments, muscles of the arms and legs;• develops the ability to keep the body in a relaxed state for a long time
Jumping rope is one of the aesthetic sports along with pole dance acrobatics, aerial balance and other types of sports choreography Rope skipping became a separate discipline in the 1980s in the USA In 2012, the Federation of Sports Choreography was organized in Russia, which, among other sports, promotes jumping rope with the performance of tricks of varying complexity, including acrobatic ones
Team skipping competitions have been held since 1997 During the European and World Championships, athletes are assessed both on speed, endurance and strength, and on the skill of performing the freestyle complex This is the most spectacular part of rope skipping Athletes demonstrate their skills alone or in a team of up to 6 people, jump over two skipping ropes rotating in opposite directions (double dutch), use the “Chinese Wheel”, “Traveler” techniques, etc Observing their virtuosity and skill helps to understand that Skipping is not child's play, but a physically challenging, serious activity
Those who are not preparing to become a boxer or a member of a rope-skipping team should still pay attention to such a useful exercise as jumping rope Daily exercise, outside of preparation for professional or amateur competitions, promotes weight loss and weight loss Thanks to skipping, posture improves, metabolism accelerates, the lungs are cleansed of toxins, and varicose veins and other diseases are prevented
There are more than 30 federations in the world that supervise aerobics with a skipping rope - one of the most accessible and spectacular types of sports activity Skipping is popular among people of all ages due to the health-improving nature of the activity, as well as the opportunity to show a competitive spirit during competitions Wrap, cross or double jump, step over, triple jump, frog and other professional terms are familiar to everyone involved in rope-skipping Jumping rope is also in demand during relay races, various games and competitions Fans of this sport and fitness training enthusiastically celebrate Skipping Day on December 19th