Celebrating the New Year takes a lot of strength and energy In addition to the traditional overeating at a generously set table, many people experience lack of sleep For several days we take part in an endless marathon - preparing for the holiday, visiting friends and relatives, setting off fireworks These and other important things leave no time for rest Don't rush to suppress your yawning and fight the spell of Morpheus in the first days of the new year! On January 3, the Sleepy Day Festival is celebrated, which is designed to help the body catch up
Taking a nap during daylight hours is just as beneficial as taking a nap at night During the Festival of Sleep Day, you can and should sleep, devoting any amount of time to this important process A good rest in the arms of Morpheus helps restore physical strength and mental balance Lack of sleep has a bad effect on appearance, especially for women, for whom it is especially important to maintain their beauty and attractiveness An employee who yawns at work causes dissatisfaction among colleagues and superiors: it is not clear whether he did not rest enough at night, or whether the person is not interested in work and treats it carelessly
Sleep is the key to health and longevity It not only regulates biological rhythms, but also regulates other processes and phenomena The body perceives lack of sleep as stress, which it tries to compensate for by receiving additional energy, often through food Hunger in those who do not rest within the allotted 7-8 hours at night is associated with an increase in endocannabinoid levels This compound from the class of neurotransmitters, which transmits signals between nerve cells, causes increased appetite - we are drawn to sweet, salty and fried foods That's why the Sleepy Day Holiday is so necessary on January 3 - the body needs rest after New Year's overeating, and not an additional amount of food
A girl has the right to suspect a young man who yawns during a date of lack of interest in her Therefore, lack of sleep can have a negative impact on your personal life Road accidents regularly occur due to drivers who doze off at the wheel Lack of sleep leads to decreased concentration and reactions - the main cause of accidents
Festival of Sleep Day was invented by residents of the USA What are the traditions of this funny holiday? On January 3, it is recommended not to jump up in the morning, but to soak in bed longer after waking up You can keep your pajamas on and walk around the house in them all day In honor of the Sleepy Day Festival, it is customary to relax and take a nap during the day for your pleasure If you follow all these recommendations, you will be provided with a boost of vivacity and good mood for a long time After all, Christmas and Old New Year are still ahead