The book with the fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson, the heroes of which were Kai and Gerda, was published at the end of December 1844 and quickly gained popularity The adventures of two friends, a girl and a boy, ended happily, despite meeting the Snow Queen living among the permafrost in Lapland The heroine, invented by the writer, became the embodiment of spiritual coldness, indifference, eternal silence and evil The Snow Queen, the mistress of winter and death, is depicted on New Year's cards; films and performances are made based on Anderson's philosophical fairy tale
Nature, which a person thinks he has studied well, presents various gifts and never ceases to amaze The artistic image created by the Danish writer turned out to be so realistic that, despite its fabulousness, it took on a life of its own Thus, in 2015, in northern Canada, eyewitnesses saw and photographed an aurora in the form of the Snow Queen NASA experts claim that this something was not a ghost; the figure of a woman in a snow-white robe did not look like aliens, as ufologists usually describe them
The realism of the image that appeared in the sky, reminiscent of a mirage, once again made me think about how thin the line is between the imaginary and the real world Many people dream of getting into the sparkling palaces of the kingdom of the Snow Queen, in which everything is perfect, from ice floes broken into even pieces to snowflakes of the same shape A holiday has been established in honor of the heroine of Anderson’s work, who has become a household name Every year on January 12, Snow Queen Day is celebrated
Icy mind games are what Kai was doing while visiting the mistress of frost and mathematically precisely calibrated eternity Calm and indifferent, the Snow Queen, devoid of a heart and incapable of love, is the embodiment of ideal beauty and strength that is impossible to cope with However, the sincere feelings of Kai and Gerda helped them defeat the embodiment of evil, cold and death Snow Queen Day reminds people of the value of love and friendship, which cannot be bought for any wealth in the world
An unusual celebration is a good reason to send beautiful cards and letters to your loved ones with snowy landscapes and poems about winter Fans of the work of GH Anderson, in honor of the holiday, they reread his famous fairy tale and share with others their observations about the deep philosophical meaning contained in it Is it possible to comprehend the world with cold absolute reason alone, without resorting to feelings? Is beauty devoid of soul the ideal and embodiment of perfection? Those who celebrate Snow Queen Day on January 12 are trying to find answers to these and other questions