Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, believed that birds nest in every soul Light people need to be nurtured and cherished But what to do with the dark ones? December 14th is Soul Birds Release Day The metaphorical meaning of this holiday becomes clear after immersion in East Slavic mythology
Soul birds are the prophetic Sirin, who are depicted as a half-maiden, half-bird Fairy-tale creatures are often found on Russian tiles, jewelry, painted spinning wheels and illustrations for ancient handwritten books Sirin, Alkonost and Gamayun are birds from ancient legends and tales They were considered the embodiment of the human soul, could control the elements and had the gift of prophecy
According to legends, on the morning of Apple Savior, a holiday dedicated to the harvest and the change of seasons, the bird Sirin flew into the garden, crying and sad In the afternoon, the Alkonost bird appeared in the garden, laughing and rejoicing She brushed living dew from her plumage and transformed the fruits, endowing them with amazing powers - from that moment on, apples became healing
Birds of paradise from ancient Russian legends are the prototype of sirens from Greek mythology - sea maidens of extraordinary beauty who enchanted sailors with their singing Alkonost and Gamayun were considered symbols of goodness and happiness Sirin brought melancholy and sadness to people Like the maidens from Greek myths, she sang invitingly about the beautiful garden, describing it so enticingly that the person listening to her completely forgot about earthly life
“The bird of paradise Sirin, her voice is very powerful in her singing She dwells in the Edenian paradise in the east, constantly sings beautifully, and announces future joy to the righteous,” reads the inscription on a 19th-century popular print She really lived in sunny Irie - the Slavic paradise, where the gods feasted, the World Tree grew, and the Milk River flowed According to legend, the souls of the dead went to this mythical country People dreaming of going to heaven committed suicide, soldiers on the battlefield, hearing the song of a bird, committed reckless acts that cost them their lives
Artist VM Vasnetsov studied the culture and life of the ancient Slavs for many years One of his most famous works is the painting “Sirin and Alkonost” The image of the “soul bird” in the painting is full of drama: a pale and emaciated face, eyes full of tears and black plumage evoke the most depressing thoughts on the viewer It is believed that Sirin mourns summer, symbolizing decay and sadness
In the soul of each of us there is an echo of this mournful bird According to legend, Sirin could not stand noise and loud sounds: to drive her away, our ancestors blew trumpets, beat bells and drums The Day of Release of the Birds of the Soul also calls for farewell to sadness and longing On December 14, you need to try to part with everything that depresses, inspires gloomy thoughts and prevents you from enjoying life Release the sorrowful birds from the depths of your soul and open it to joy and happiness!