Every year on December 15th tea day is celebrated all over the world Without a doubt, this delicious, invigorating and incredibly healthy drink deserves its holiday date In some countries, in particular Japan, Great Britain, China and Uzbekistan, the tea drinking procedure has been considered a rather difficult ceremony for many years, and the preparation of this drink is a separate art, whose secret is known only to a few In addition, today there are several hundred tea schools open all over the planet, the main goal of which is to teach how to properly brew and serve tea, depending on the specific variety
The creators of tea are officially considered to be residents of China According to legends, back in 2737 BC, the ruler of the country, Shen Hung, first prepared this unique drink for himself However, even a few years before this event, the residents of India and Tibet were fluent in the art of brewing tea In addition, historians were able to prove that many thousands of years ago there were tea plantations on the territory of the Japanese and Korean states Therefore, it is impossible to say with confidence that it was the Chinese who discovered this wonderful drink Most likely, residents of the East and Asia began to use it almost simultaneously
There are many interesting and surprising facts about tea: - European countries did not immediately realize that tea leaves needed to be brewed; at first, some people prepared salads from them; - The British drink tea exclusively with milk, only the Russians began to add lemon to it; - For many years, the people of Poland considered this drink a cure for many diseases and used it only for medicinal purposes; - Every day, approximately 3 billion cups of the invigorating drink are brewed around the world; - Contrary to misconception, black and green tea are prepared from the leaves of the same bush; - Tea contains a higher amount of caffeine compared to coffee; - 1904 – the year of creation of packaged bags for express brewing; - At one time, instead of sugar cubes, salt was put into a mug with a drink; - Tea promotes excellent absorption of odors; just rub the tea leaves with your hands and put them in the right place; - According to statistical studies, this drink helps prolong life, as it contains many vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants
World Tea Day is a holiday for many people For some, this date will remain an ordinary day, but for true fans of the priceless drink it will be an excellent occasion to enjoy the unique taste and divine aroma At this time, tea fairs, exhibitions of new varieties and tastings are organized in many European countries Residents of Russia also celebrate this holiday A traditional tea party with treats at the samovar is a good reason to meet friends and relatives, chat and just have a good time in warm company!