Trinity - Holy Trinity Day, Pentecost for the Orthodox congratulate →

One of the important holidays after Easter, the moving date of which directly depends on itTrinity - Holy Trinity Day, Pentecost for the Orthodox congratulate → The name Pentecost reflects this: Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after the Resurrection, always falling on Sunday (8th after Easter in Orthodoxy) According to legend, on this day the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles, manifesting itself in the form of a flame This is how the third hypostasis of the one God appeared This significant act took place in the Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem In fact, being the first church, the walls of this room have seen many episodes associated with holiness (for example, the Last Supper) and, of course, have suffered over a couple of millennia Now restored, everyone can visit this special place of power, because the Israeli government has provided free access The sign was manifested in the amazing ability of the apostles to broadcast in different languages This is a relevant act, because the idea of ​​religion can only be conveyed to people by preaching, and in their native language On the very first Trinity Sunday, about 3,000 people were converted to Christianity Another well-known visible appearance of the Holy Spirit can be considered a dove, but only during the Baptism of Jesus, which was reflected in icon painting (the earliest examples date back to the 6th century) And you can read about the event in some of the gospels (Luke, John and others) Historical documentary evidence can be found in the unique Didache, a written monument dating back to the end of the 1st century It was there, in chapter 7, that the great formulation was first mentioned: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” The Greek preacher and defender of the Holy Scriptures, Clement of Alexandria, did not question the apostolic creation of this document The importance of the Holy Spirit for the Christian church cannot be overestimated After all, it is his demonstration that makes it possible to attract non-believers under the divine wing Miraculous healings, the gift of wisdom and knowledge, visions and prophecies - all these are manifestations of the third hypostasis What is distinctive is the service itself The holiday falls on Sunday, and besides, it has the meaning of the Lord (that is, glorifying the Lord), and not Bogorodsky Therefore, the service is especially solemn For the Slavs, Trinity meant farewell to spring, an active welcome to summer, with all the necessary attributes: a fire, wreaths, medicinal herbs, outdoor festivities Particular attention was paid to the birch as a symbol of Rus' Numerous rituals and rituals associated with wood are characteristic not only of the Slavs Birch leaves are a symbol of the Old Testament church, associated with the acts of Moses According to legend, it was with them that the Zion Upper Room was decorated at that very bright moment Now on Trinity Sunday they are present in the decoration of churches, as a symbol of purification and virtue, for which it is worth thanking God

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