Trinity Parents' Saturday

In Orthodoxy there are several religious holidays dedicated to the remembrance of the deadTrinity Parents' Saturday These days, believers visit churches and cemeteries to honor the memory of deceased relatives and friends Special services are held in churches; they pray for the deceased in compliance with established canons and at home There are special days in the Orthodox calendar for holding this kind of ceremonial events These include Trinity Parental Saturday, celebrated on the eve of the Feast of Holy Pentecost This tradition of remembering the dead appeared in Orthodoxy in the Apostolic Age - the time of the separation of Christianity from Judaism This period lasted about 70 years - from 30 to 100 AD AD Both on Meat Saturday, which represents the last day of the world, and on Trinity Saturday, which symbolizes the last day of the Old Testament church before the opening of the Church of Christ, believers pray for the salvation of the souls who have gone to another world After visiting the temple, Orthodox Christians go to cemeteries Believers clean up the graves, clean the dirt from the monuments, and distribute alms to those in need along the way there and back Trinity is often called the “Birthday of the Church,” whose members are both living and departed, and the “Green Christmastide” The symbol of the holiday is the spruce, so on this Mother's Saturday not only flowers, but also branches of coniferous trees are often placed on the graves In churches, it is customary to leave notes “On repose” and light candles, as well as to bless food, leaving them for the clergy In the future, they will distribute this food to people in need According to tradition, the second half of Trinity Ecumenical Saturday is usually spent with family At a set table they remember loved ones - they say kind words about deceased relatives and friends The Church does not advise grieving for the deceased and mourning their departure, since it is believed that in another, better of worlds, they are all alive It is customary to treat friends and neighbors with pies, sweets and cookies The day ends with preparation for the Holy Trinity, the most important holiday of Orthodoxy On Parent's Saturday on the eve of Pentecost, they do not sort things out and do not enter into conflicts Behavior throughout the day should be decorous and appropriate to the idea of ​​the holiday - I remember the departed During Trinity Saturday they do not engage in mental work, do not work in the garden or at home, do not celebrate anniversaries, weddings and other holidays, and do not get married in church In addition to giving alms, it is customary to provide other possible assistance to children, the sick and the elderly All rituals and rules for holding Trinity Parental Saturday contribute to the achievement of well-being by souls in another world The main motive of all prayers for repose on this day is God’s forgiveness of sins for both deceased and living Orthodox people

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