It is in the family that children receive education and protection Parents are its most responsible part; the atmosphere in which members of our society will grow up depends on them It is important that personal development occurs in an atmosphere of love, mutual understanding, support and happiness The holiday is designed to cultivate these family values
World Parents Day began in September 2012 at the 66th session of the UN General Assembly Now it is celebrated annually on the first day of summer - June 1 The Assembly calls on all UN member states to celebrate it by actively involving young people
Various public events are taking place all over the world: - actions, - flash mobs, - educational lectures, - demonstrations, - conferences, - collections of funds, things, food for the poor They are run by charitable foundations
The main goal of the holiday: to attract public attention to the protection of the rights of parents and humane treatment of mothers and their children
In Russia, officials prepare reports for the date, and organize competitions, sports competitions and quizzes for families in public places The parks host free concerts, themed performances and amateur performances Large families are awarded the Order of Parental Glory in the Kremlin
On this day, celebrities record video messages in which they ask their audience to be attentive to the problems of their mothers and fathers Many concerned people post photos with their family on the Internet Saying words of gratitude online, thereby reminding everyone around you about the holiday is a great idea
It is symbolic that throughout the world, International Children's Day has been celebrated on June 1 for many decades
Congratulations are received by parents and children around the world The best thing would be to spend June 1st with your family Everyone knows that parents are not chosen Whatever situations occur in the family, it is important to be grateful to those who gave life and raised