UN Holidays - International Day for Biological Diversity

Every year since 2001, the International Day for Biological Diversity is celebrated on the 22nd MayUN Holidays - International Day for Biological Diversity The holiday was adopted based on a decision of the UN General Assembly back in 1995 after the adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity The original date of the gala event was planned for December 29 However, for a number of reasons, UN countries could not celebrate at this time of year, so the date of the holiday was moved to a more convenient one The theme of the international holiday changes annually, but is always dedicated to the animal and plant world The purpose of the event is to encourage the population of planet Earth to preserve flora and fauna People take advantage of the riches of nature and, without noticing the harmful effects, destroy it It is the conservation of global biological diversity that lies in the interpretation of the famous UN Convention, to which 196 countries are parties Active human activity is the first reason for the decline in the number of animals, mammals, and birds Due to the irrational use of natural resources, the ecological balance is disrupted, which subsequently leads to an irreparable environmental disaster In addition, environmental pollution, excessive desertification, population growth, and global climate change play a deadly role in the loss of biological diversity and ecological balance On Biological Diversity Day every year, the UN Secretary General addresses the public with a message He emphasizes that natural diversity is the basis of human existence and development Calls for prudent use of subsoil and natural resources The Russian Federation plays a major role in the conservation of biological diversity The territory of Russia has enormous natural potential More than 80% of the flora and fauna prevail in our country The biosphere of the whole world is concentrated on the ecosystems of Russia The huge reserve of Lake Baikal alone is capable of providing fresh water to more than one UN state More than 11 thousand nature protection zones, reserves, and national parks have been created in Russia It is planned to create new protected areas every year Thus, on May 25, 2018, the Nurgush Nature Reserve, created in the Kirov region on the International Day of Biodiversity, invites those wishing to celebrate their birthday and the holiday of the same name Due to the annual loss of natural resources, the death of animals and the constant threat of extinction of flora and fauna, Biodiversity Day does not include entertainment events In fact, this holiday bears the stamp of sadness Climate change on the planet is growing at an incredible speed, a changing landscape, ozone holes, mammals escaping onto land, drying up seas - all this does not give reason for joy It is important for humanity to remember that nature is depleted, loses its strength to recover and is in dire need of care and protection Conservation activities alone are not enough to preserve ecosystems What is important here is a set of activities and measures approved at the state level in the countries of the world community Political beliefs in the field of biodiversity conservation must be based on reliable data and information Only with a clear understanding of the specific situation can you take the necessary measures and actions As an option, you can show documentaries about the impending environmental disaster due to the irrational use of natural resources Responsibility for the preservation of natural ecosystems should also include strict punishment for violating generally accepted rules

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