UN Holidays - International Day of Light

The sun's rays play an important role in the functioning of all life on EarthUN Holidays - International Day of Light They affect crop yields, climate and the change of seasons, the occurrence of natural phenomena, the production of vitamin D necessary to maintain immunity, and a person’s mental balance The study of light and its capabilities led to the creation and use of the laser beam on May 16, 1960 Long before this invention, engineer Theodore Maiman began using UV lamps in medicine The principle of their action is also based on the ability of light, which is a natural antiseptic, to destroy pathogenic bacteria The discovery of spectral analysis helped astronomers understand what chemical elements a star consists of and at what distance from the Earth it is located The invention of high-speed Internet is also directly related to the study of the properties of light The electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun forms the most important properties of the atmosphere of our planet and its ecology Therefore, on May 16, the day of the invention of the laser, according to a UNESCO resolution, the International Day of Light is celebrated For the first time, public organizations, research institutes, societies and unions, educational institutions of different countries celebrated the International Day of Light in 2017 Somewhat earlier, in 2015, the International Year of Light was held at the initiative of UNESCO The opening ceremony took place at the organization's headquarters in Paris The festival was attended by 147 countries around the world, which throughout the year held thousands of events dedicated to light and its role in the development of culture, science, medicine and other branches of human activity The Sustainable Development Program, approved by the UN in 2015, is aimed at reducing the consumption of natural resources and actively using renewable energy sources These include light that powers solar panels - suppliers of electricity that do not harm the environment That is why the holiday of May 16 is given such great importance In honor of him, various events are held to raise people's awareness about the role of sunlight in our lives, the development of science, agriculture and other areas of human activity The postulates of Christianity and religious figures are in solidarity with scientists on this issue It is known that on the first day of the creation of the world, not only the heavens and the Earth were created “And God said, Let there be light And there was light And God saw the light, that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness,” the Bible says Religious cosmogony does not contradict modern science - the history of the creation of the world fits into existing scientific theories One of them says that light is the source of life on Earth Holding events on May 16 is important for creating contacts and cooperation between leaders of the lighting industry, economists, scientists, artists, public organizations and ordinary citizens from all over the world Therefore, every year the number of participants in celebrations dedicated to the International Day of Light increases

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