The ancestors of modern people existed in harmony with the world around them and respected natural cycles The summer solstice was considered one of the most important events of the year among the inhabitants of the Northern Hemisphere On June 21, the duration of daylight is a record 17 hours Many peoples endowed this natural phenomenon with a magical meaning, performing various rituals and ceremonies in honor of the solstice Thus, the Slavs celebrated Ivan Kupala on June 21, which with the advent of Christianity became the Day of John the Baptist, the Chinese celebrated Xiazhi, and the Scandinavians celebrated Lita with bonfires, songs, dances and predictions of the future
The summer solstice is an important calendar event for many ethnic groups whose beliefs are based on the solar cult It has long determined the way of life and traditions of the Britons, Celts, Western, Southern and Eastern Slavs, Japanese, Indians, Koreans, Egyptians and other peoples of the world The UN, wanting to emphasize the importance of preserving the memory of the ancient cult and national beliefs, established a holiday in 2019 June 21 is International Solstice Day
The summer solstice among the indigenous peoples inhabiting the countries of the Northern Hemisphere is associated with the arrival of warmth, the flourishing of nature and the triumph of life over death The Japanese still today celebrate the ancient holiday of Higan on June 21, visiting the graves of relatives and ordering memorial services in temples The Slavs cast spells, swam in rivers, ponds and morning dew on this day, lit fires and jumped over them, asking the elements of water and fire to help cleanse them of filth
The Celts used to tell fortunes at the solstice by rolling wheels wrapped in lit straw from the mountains It was believed that if they did not go out all the way to the foot of the hill, the harvest would be good The appearance of Sirius on the night sky on June 21 predicted the flooding of the Nile, which “fertilized” the agricultural areas of Egypt The tribes of the ancient Mongols performed the Tengri ritual of the ancient Xiongnu in honor of the summer solstice Lighting a fire, sacrificing animals to the sky, shamanic dances and prayers provided pastoralists and hunters with the help and protection of the gods
International Solstice Day promotes both the preservation of the identity of the peoples of the world and their cultural cohesion The UN General Assembly calls on the governments of member states not to interfere with the conduct of rites and rituals on June 21, if they do not contradict generally accepted norms of law The holiday helps to increase public awareness about the traditions of ethnic groups that have long lived in a certain territory By establishing the International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice, the UN reminds the world of the rights of indigenous peoples, the importance of respecting the principles of the Universal Declaration of Cultural Diversity and the need for international cooperation in the social sphere