The UN proposed to celebrate August 9 as the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, starting in 1994 An important date was set in honor of the first meeting in 1992 of the working group on broad issues: poverty, disease, high mortality, discrimination
Now in the world there are about 370 million representatives of peoples who originally inhabit their lands, and live in various parts of the planet Approximately 90 modern countries can say that they have representatives on their territory For the total population, the size is small - only 5%, the more significant are the other figures They are carriers of more than 5 thousand cultures and languages, which is the overwhelming majority among the global number Therefore, it is so important to help them preserve their identity, cultural characteristics, and traditions
To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to respect the territorial rights of the small population But in the era of industrialization and active extraction of natural resources, which has become a priority factor for many states, maintaining property and independence is very difficult The active infringement of rights and freedoms began quite a long time ago - during the heyday of colonization in the 15th century And by today the majority are in danger of extinction
In Russia, there is a special unified list of such peoples, established by the government, according to which 47 small nationalities live on the territory of the state, making up less than a percent of the total number But if some, such as the Nenets, of whom there are more than 40 thousand people, are considered a rather impressive nationality in number, then the Kereks from Chukotka or the Vodi from the Leningrad region are disappearing representatives
Until the 1940s, in Russia, even in official documents, politically incorrect names were used - “natives” or “foreigners”, while other countries used the name “aboriginals” This is what the United States did, now calling the Indians “Native Americans” But no replacement of terms will compensate for the consequences of European colonization, as a result of which many died or were moved to reservations, deprived of the possibility of a traditional way of existence
The UN is trying to help in many issues, in particular, in 2007, a separate Declaration was adopted on indigenous peoples, recognition of their freedoms and equalities, the opportunity to live their own political and economic will, and have their own land A System-Wide Action Plan was developed in 2015, but without the active support of the global community, especially at the local level, it is impossible to fulfill all the conditions Therefore, a special international day for the protection of the rights to the inviolable identity of indigenous peoples around the world is one of the ways to jointly try to solve problems
The results are summed up annually with positive results Indicative are the countries of Latin America, such as Ecuador and Mexico, which have taken real steps in the right direction States such as Chile, Australia, and New Zealand have announced their intention to make special amendments to the Constitution to recognize small nations on their territory The Philippines set an example by passing a similar law in 2007
Specific projects and programs are presented to the public, and the topics change annually On a special date, there is an opportunity to discuss the issues together, including delegates of First Nations, human rights organizations and their friends, at a gala event hosted by the UN
August 9th has been an educational and interesting month lately Exhibitions of folk crafts, activities, exhibitions of household items, folk concerts, master classes in applied arts, national sports and cuisine will introduce those interested to the peculiarities of culture, art, and lifestyle
Modern man has a lot to learn from indigenous peoples - amazing, harmonious interaction with the surrounding nature Therefore, environmental organizations were the first to support and continue to provide assistance to ethnic groups This holiday teaches how, through mutual respect for customs and spiritual traditions, goodness and peace can be achieved for the entire population of the planet