International Mother Earth Day is celebrated annually around the world on April 22 The holiday first took place in 1970 in the USA His goal was to expand the environmental movement in the world and promote a careful attitude towards nature Inspired by the success of the first event, the organizers repeated it the following year This idea was picked up in other states Each spring, new participants joined the celebration with calls to stop man's neglect of natural resources
Since the holiday was already recognized by many nations, in 2009 the UN General Assembly proposed that all its partners, international communities and organizations celebrate it After the proclamation of the resolution, the chairman of the 63rd session of the General Assembly, M Brockman, emphasized in his speech that the Earth is our common home, and its ecosystems provide life to humanity, therefore it is important that economic, social and environmental interests do not disturb the harmony with nature and the whole planet International Mother Earth Day is the world's largest secular holiday It is celebrated by more than a billion people in 192 countries This is an important day to think about how to stop the barbaric attitude towards nature, change the world around us for the better and bring to people's consciousness the need for a reasonable and careful attitude towards Mother Earth
Many governments provide support to those involved in environmental protection, trying to make the Earth a healthy place to live Gathering annually at a round table, scientists solve pressing problems and develop programs aimed at combating the deterioration of the environmental situation in individual countries and throughout the world Numerous communities celebrate Mother Earth Day for a whole week and organize events, promotions, concerts and exhibitions In large cities, car-free days are organized, young trees are planted and garbage is removed Seminars and lessons are held in schools and colleges to instill love and foster a responsible attitude towards nature among young people, because the preservation of the planet depends on human culture, morality and mercy
The holiday has its own flag, which depicts a blue globe photographed from space, a symbol of a common home for all peoples On Mother Earth Day, following the established wonderful tradition, the Peace Bell rings, calling on every person to feel a sense of belonging to their single home, and to do everything to preserve the planet for future generations